Life rushes in........

by purplesofa 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • purplesofa

    Hey, got your cell, and just put it in my phone..........will call soon!

  • tijkmo
  • tijkmo

    Why Am I

    Why am I weak Why am I strong
    At the same time It just seems wrong

    It's not what I've done (That scares me the most)
    It's more what I am That both excites and terrifies

    I've ceased to believe in anything
    In sense, in justice, and in life
    Just want the end to come now
    I've ceased to believe in anything
    I've just lay down and given in
    Just want the end to come now quickly

    I can forgive anyone else
    So why can't I forgive myself

    It's easier to convince someone else
    Of the need to be positive
    People seem to want to hope
    It's easier to convince someone else
    Than it is to convince myself
    My mind is set my hope is gone

    People try to reason with me
    Can't they see that I'm not stupid
    It's not that I don't see what you're trying
    It's just that no amount of reason
    Can bring back the feelings that have gone;
    They'll either come back or they won't
    And at this moment...they won't

    Well I wish I was a drinker
    So that I could drown my sorrows
    So that I could fall asleep
    Maybe there'd be no tomorrows

    Well I wish I was a user
    So that I could overdose on something nice
    And anaesthetize the pain away

    Well I wish I was still suicidal
    So then I could wish that I was dead
    But I don't even have the will to die

    Doesn't it seem just a little funny
    That even though I feel nothing
    My heart breaks every time you go away

  • purplesofa

    hey tjkimo............did you write that?


  • tijkmo


  • Satanus


    Well put. My shrink called it an existential crisis. That is, he thought that i have it. Maybe it will come down to taking life one day at a time.


  • tijkmo

    hey thanx you guys

    tis better with music

    someday i hope to let you hear

  • purplesofa
    purplesofa you have a big collection of writings? that you would share?


    you have a way with words.....

  • tijkmo

    well yes i do ..blush blush

    dont know if everyone wants to hear though ..or read

    i could pm you though

    but gotta sleep tonight so will do over w/e if you wish

  • Es

    Hey purple when you first leave the borg everything is so took me about year to finally have no guilt for the things i get up to its the best feeling FREEDOM es

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