Life rushes in........

by purplesofa 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JamesThomas
    how did you finally get grounded again?

    The answer to this is so right-in-front-of-us, that it is easily missed.

    First it may help to be clear on what it means to be "grounded". Could it be a connection with Life? A sense my roots go on and on?

    Generally when we see a tree we just consider the part above ground, and say that, is a tree. But a tree extends deep within ground, and if not for the ground would not be a tree at all. For that matter a tree extends to the Sun, for without Sunlight, there is no tree. We too are one with all Life. But unlike a tree who has no mind to create a sense of separation, we do and so often seem to wither ungrounded. It's a lie.

    We are not ungrounded. We are not disconnected. We only believe we are.

    So, the answer is simple. Shift attention from beliefs of separation, to this present-moment of life. Be more and more openly present with what the universe is presenting and see if "you" and your "ungroundedness" do not disappear into the allness and wholeness of Life.

    Be present. Be still, and know...


  • Preston
    When you were getting out of the org, and coming alive to life, was it overwhelming? and how did you fineally get grounded again.

    Well, first of all I got really sad (the moment of sadness representin' the death of everything I believed to be true)

    ..then, I got reall f**kin' horny (the moment of horniness representing my self realization that I was free to get laid, guilt-free) this helped me to "Turn my mind to other things" so I wouldnt feel wheighed down with a whole littany of theological questions with no answers..

    ..then I made some friends in school, clubs, anywhere that I felt welcome

    ..the I attached myself with a life-partner, someone who I knew could love me for jus bein me

    - Preston

  • Quentin

    I got goofy for awhile (about 5 yrs.) then settled into the everyday bussiness of life. All of us who are ex-Js are like people who have served prison terms; it's always there. Passage of time diminishes the experience, but it never goes away.

  • purplesofa

    Thank-you all for your wonderful responses. I feel normal today. yesterday, I called people at the wrong numbers more than once, locked myself out of vehicle not once but twice in same day, had to call locksmith two times!!! Who locks themselves out of a car two times in ONE DAY?????????

    I ate at the cafeteria at the hospitol, and had to get up for something. I had some cash and no pockets, no purse with me. So I put the cash under the plate, not to tempt anyone to steal it. When I finished eating and put my tray up..............dont you know when the dishwasher picked up that plate, he was grateful for the nice tip???? three times more than my lunch costs!!!!!

    When I was DF many years ago, I went wild. I am so glad that person did not stay. I would be dead by now. I felt so bad about myself for a long long time. I learned alot, elders were not Gods, they were men that made mistakes and certainly DID NOT know my heart. When I figured all that out and got some self-esteem I thought I might be good enough to come back.

    So I did, been over 5 years now. My life is not the turmoil it once was and I can see the org now so differently. I stayed on the outside of everything, always invited to do more but had responsiblities. I listened.......mostly to what the bible taught and filtered out the BS. When it took more energy to filter the BS that is when I had to call it quits........I got sick and had time to think..........The best thing that ever happened to me.

    So, I think I am grounded(thanks for comment James Thomas) and yesterday was just a scatter brain day from hell..........I thought I was losing it!!

    This time out I dont feel not Ok about myself. I dont feel like there is a flaw in me like I did when I was DF. I think now it is just my relationship with my higher being. and I think all along, it is within us, each individual. It is a dirty trick to have that stolen from us. Taking away who we are, the very essence of ME.

    We all have to sort out our own lives and it is great here to have such a vast spectrum of knowledge, personalities, lifestyles, education........etc etc etc........

    We all have a past/history from the teachings and lives we lived and have a common bond. It is really tighter than anything I ever felt as a witness. It is more real and absolutely more fulfilling.

    lol.......ok I am relaxed and loose lipped........

    Have fun.



  • purplesofa

    wonder why this is under topic ........SCANDALS?

  • LyinEyes

    Hugs to you Purps,,,,,,,you are such a free spirit,,,,,, you are a wonderful and unique person, and now you just can be who you are......It is a great feeling to love yourself. I mean I finally feel mostly love for myself,,,hehe,,,,,,somedays I don't like things I do, even somedays I don't like myself all that much, but for the most part I have learned to love myself, accept myself( quirks and all ) ya know?

    Why is this under scandals?? Because you are sooooooooooo scandalous my dahlin' !!!

  • Sparkplug
    Shift attention from beliefs of separation, to this present-moment of life. Be more and more openly present with what the universe is presenting and see if "you" and your "ungroundedness" do not disappear into the allness and wholeness of Life.

    Be present. Be still, and know...

    Great job James Thomas

  • purplesofa
    Great job James Thomas

    yep, I agree!!

  • purplesofa

    hey lyineyes.............been thinking it might be time for a trip soon.............what do you think???????

    you up for some company?


  • LyinEyes

    OMG , I would love to visit with you,,,,,,, I may be in Russelville sometime next week,,,,,,,Denny is coming home this weekend, going back Monday. Chance has a baseball game on Monday, so I might drive on over to Russelville for just a couple of days,,,,,,I will let you know.

    You know you are always welcome to come down this way anytime, we just need to touch base and make sure we don't cross each other going the other is crazy here lately for me as well......hehe, but it's all good.

    Give me a holla........did I give ya my cell?

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