Service Meeting Week Starting May 9, 2005

by TheListener 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty
    found it interesting that they list Monday night as Family Study night. I wonder if they'll begin to push this. Perhaps that will open the way to get rid of one meeting? They'll provide assigned material for your family study and an elder, your old Cong. Bookstudy Overseer will check up on you once a month or so to make sure you're covering it. That way you're still under their thumb but you feel better because you're at home not the KH.

    While the R&F is busy studying the propaganda on Family Study Night the elders, wives and children will all be at Dollywood having the time of their lives.

  • JW Ben
    JW Ben

    I wish people would read things carefully. The shedual is a SIGGESSTION. There is a smple schedual and one that can be cut out with cut our icons for meetings, family study and doing the text to past onto the scedual that you cut out.

    In no way is the article trying to controll every day things. It is not policed by any one. It is not enforced in any way. It is purley a suggestion to hepl busy families keep scriptual yhimgs in mind. If one does or does not do the text each day or get to all the meetings or out in the preaching work is entrily up to each individual or family and not the Congo or the WTBTS.

    It amases me how much false information is spread on this board.

  • heathen

    JW Ben ---- #1 --- I think you need to edit your post for grammar , that one was pretty bad ....

    #2 ---- The WTBTS has a way of making these "suggestions" that can be taken to mean you either do it or you aren't a good dubby and will be treated as spiritually weak .

  • garybuss

    Watchtower Sales 2000

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York

    25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, 11201


    Revenue: $951 million

    Industry: Publishing

    President: Milton Henshel

    Employees: 3,415

  • seattleniceguy


    Now how the hell do you offer the magazines "informally"?? Surely you offer them or you don't? What's this informal thingy? Duh.

    I think that's when you untuck your shirt and rough up your hair a little and use slang and stuff. As opposed to offering the magazines formally, in which case you have your lawyer send a Request For Magazine Acceptance by certified mail. Please refer to the following examples:

    Informal: "Yo, what up, dawg? You wanna check out these mags? They're the shit!"

    Formal: "Dear fellow bus traveler: My client is pleased to propose a contractual religious relationship to you, which you can accept by returning the enclosed RFMA form by certified mail. Please be aware that failure to accept this offer will be construed by God as acknowledgement that you agree to be destroyed at Armageddon. We wish you all the best. Sincerely, Law Offices of Schmidt and Schmidt"

    Hope that helps! :-)


  • JW Ben
    JW Ben

    To heathen

    JW Ben ---- #1 --- I think you need to edit your post for grammar , that one was pretty bad ....

    #2 ---- The WTBTS has a way of making these "suggestions" that can be taken to mean you either do it or you aren't a good dubby and will be treated as spiritually weak .

    #1 - I am dyslexic. Most time I write here i do it of line and then post. If i write while on line I make a lot of spelling etc mistakes.

    #2 - I agree and disagree with you. My experience is that it is not the WTS that can make some JWs feel they arent good JWs but individual congregations. and they way they interprite what the WTS says. SOme are very good at notmaking you feel bad and some are very good at making you feell bad and most sit indetween.

  • TheListener


    Webster's Dictionary defines suggestion as: the process by which a physical or mental state is influenced by a thought or idea. And defines suggest as: to seek to influence : SEDUCE b : to call forth : EVOKE c : to mention or imply as a possibility <suggested that he might bring his family> d : to propose as desirable or fitting <suggest a stroll> e : to offer for consideration or as a hypothesis <suggest a solution to a problem>

    Let me say right now that any "suggestion" made by an organization that has put itself in a position between individuals and God carries significant weight with the believers. If only a blank schedule were provided and no additional information were contained, I would agree that little pressure was exerted.

    However, when you add a sample of "this is how it could be done" and here is a blank schedule with icons for each thing you could do and we're dedicating one part each week for the entire month of May to each of these items so we're sure you'll see the importance of doing this. This suggests that following this schedule, whether the suggested one or the one self-created, will help ensure that we gain everlasting life.

    I believe the society is manipulating peoples emotions. The main problem with that is in order to maintain membership you must constantly pull on emotional strings. When the emotional strings aren't pulled the individual feels a sense of loneliness and even depression. I believe that is why so many witnesses go up and down with their emotions.

  • heathen

    Yah they suggest you become a walking talking WTBTS encyclopedia in order to be counted worthy . Next they will have pop quizes just to see who been following their " suggestions" .

    LMAO@seattleniceguy --- I think they mean informal as being like on lunch hour or while working in a neighborhood and discuss religion with people .

  • swiftbreeze

    this is nothing new they have been printing that dumb schedule for some years now.

    I know i used to feel really bad when the schedule was printed in the km. You actually feel like this is how my life should be and when you can't keep the schedule you feel like a complete failure. Plus they would always have a demonstration at the KH with an elders family acting out a family study and stating how they where able to keep up. I used to feel like "how do they do it....I thought that jehovah wasnt with my family" then after a while i realized that it was a bunch of lies nobody can keep a schedule like that along with working and going to school and trying to keep a marriage together and your kids happy. Pleeeeze i stopped believing the hype.

  • gumby
    Invite audience to comment on how they keep other activities from interfering iwth congregation meetings

    I wouldn't......but wouldn't it be fun to say...." I smoke weed just before meetings, I sleep with the single sisters at assemblies, and I drink when theirs no spiritual stuff goin on".


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