Service Meeting Week Starting May 9, 2005

by TheListener 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Monday is the night the Bethel family gets together to "study" the WT.

    It is also Family Night for Mormons.



  • Elsewhere
    Monday is the night the Bethel family gets together to "study" the WT.

    Yup... I was thinking about the same thing. It looks like they are starting to try to impose the bethel rules on all JWs.

    Requiring the morning Daily Text is how they will impose the bethel "Morning Worship" on everyone.

    I wonder if they will soon have JWs clean each other?s houses (bethel Room Cleaning service) so they can search for porn between the mattresses and other contraban.

  • heathen

    I don't know if the organization will disappear off the face of the earth , there are alot of countries where the information we discuss is not available , They still are a billion dollar corporation . What amazes me the most is how 6 million people can generate a billion dollars revenue every year .

  • FairMind

    Unless they have a plan to make sure everyone is following the schedule, no problem. I wonder what percentage of publishers will actually do what is suggested? New one, probably but older ones, nope.

  • blondie

    Answer to 6 billion to 6 million

    The WTS has millions in property, millions in cash that keeps accruing interest and is invested wisely.

    I don't know the specifics but once you have reached a certain point in assets, they just keep growing, few individuals or corporations spend to that degree.

    Many JWs donate to the WTS for the same reason non-JWs donate to non-profit institutions, for a tax break not altruistic reasons.

    The WTS uses its property as collateral for many of its building projects and big ticket items.

    If you are thinking that the rank and file donations generate this by themselves, it's not realistic.

    6 million people x $100/yr = $600m

    We used to donate $600 a year and we are not wealthy.

    Even still the vast majority is made through interest and investments.


  • TheListener


    It's not whether or not they'll do everything on the schedule, it a matter of the Fear, Obligation and Guilt putting such a schedule out there creates. Now dubs will have a definite opinion of what "mother" feels they should be doing. Even if they don't do it they will most likely feel like they should be. Breaking that pattern of F.O.G. is a high priority to getting someone out. Once they can see the "do more" mentality, I think they are more likely to become critical.

  • HappyDad

    That meeting schedule and suggestions looks like the same old same old to me. They've been serving this menu for as long as I can remember. It could be compared to eating oatmeal every single day of the year. Watching CSI is much more fullfilling than sitting there listening to the droning and hearing a little kid answer..."hoba".


  • undercover
    it a matter of the Fear, Obligation and Guilt putting such a schedule out there creates.

    It probably will be true that most dubs won't keep the schedule as printed by the WTS...but it what it does do is keep the guilt ratcheted up. With the guilt turned up, the less likely they'll be apt to doubt, question or defy the organization.

    At first glance it may seem that the WTS is trying to control them more by restricting their free time. Give them the same schedule as Bethel to keep them in line. I think it's more sinister than that. I think we'll see that the majority of those who aren't keeping in line with the new program will be full of guilt, so they'll be afraid to speak of doubts, or question authority, or stay away. In fact, they'll fool themselves into thinking that if they go to meetings, study for most of the meetings, go in service every couple of weeks, freely donate, be obedient that somehow they'll squeek by...Jehovah is a merciful God afterall, right? That's where the WTS will have them where they want them...afraid to speak, afraid to question, afraid to dissent.

  • unbeliever

    I can provide the scans to anyone who wants to host them. PM me with your e-mail and I will send them to you.

  • heathen

    Thanks blondie . that does kinda make sense that the 6 million people times , let's say hmmmmmm $150 a year is about a billion dollars . Praise the lord and pass the loot ........ do I hear an amen ????????? brothers and sisters .................

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