If Jesus could post here, what do you think he would say about the JW's?

by JH 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    I think Jesus would say, these JW's are not God's people and they certainly don't examplify my teachings. They are decievers and have changed my words to suit their own purposes, just as the pharisees did. You say you are the light of the world and yet you are like your leader Satan, hiding behind a facade of truthfulness yet evil prevails amongst its leaders. I must find someway to get my people away from this organization and I need those alledged apostates to show them the true meaning of truth and ofhow they shoud be following me. Any organization that uses my name and does what they are doing are a disgrace to my heavenly father and myself. Bloodguilty, hypocrites, liars, thieves, sexual deviants, money hungry, suppresses its people with rules and regulations is not their for the needy and poor but have class distinctions, and words that they have made up, are a disgrace to me and my heavenly Father. Shame on them. You are going to go to Gehenna from which I will never resurrect you.

    That is what I think he would say, and if I were Jesus that is exactly what I would say.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Stop judging!

    Why did u put an organization in my place?

  • minimus

    Actually, Jesus Christ has 447 posts here.

  • Spook


  • Leolaia

    He would tell them that they have the wrong chronology and need to reexamine the VAT 4956 to discover the secret double dating, unravelling the ancient conspiracy to fudge the chronology of the Babylonian period. What else could be of weightier importance than this??

  • upside/down

    Hypocrites! Offspring of vipers...

    I never knew you... get away from me.... ***sound of vomiting*** as he pukes them all out.

    u/d (of the JC would kick their ever lovin asses class)

  • GetBusyLiving

    I'd have so many questions for Jesus I wouldnt even really care what he had to say about the JW's.


  • RescueMe2
    If Jesus could post here, what do you think he would say about the JW's?

    He's say "Holy Crap what part of what I said was so hard for you to understand that you got it ALL wrong?"

  • ljwtiamb
    JC: If Jesus could post here, what do you think he would say about the JW's?

    You JWs ARE the only right religion! You tried to tell them, but they just wouldn't listen.

    Alrighty Then! So, bring me some babies, I been waitin' 2,000 years to kill me some babies! Now bring 'em on!

  • love2Bworldly

    The truth is supposed to set you free, not keep you enslaved. Also did you not read that the world would know my disciples if they have love among themselves?

    I don't see any love among the JWs, not real Christ-like love.

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