I got your appeal for attention right here....

by wanderlustguy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    That's right, I'm pissed. You guys are supposed to be pn here so much you're blowing the damn board to bits every night. WTF? The one night I am at my lowest point possible, the bottom of the well, you guys actaully get a life! Whaddayamean there's real life...no, no there isn't! At least now whem I'M HAVING ISSUES!

    Anyway this is my cry for attention as well as a way to say thank you to all who post on this board. You guys have helped so much.

  • jst2laws

    OK wonderlust,

    What are your issues?


  • kls

    Sorry ,what is up . Last i saw you left the forum but am glad you came back so speak your mind.

  • wanderlustguy

    Schweet, somebody is on here!

    Going through post breakup stress disorder right now. It's amazing how this cult even affects your apostate life

  • wanderlustguy

    I did, I was trying to cut out the witness stuff, because it seemed to be messing other things up...but I'm starting to see why, and I think its good for me, but it's not easy.

  • kls

    Could you explain just a little as to what you is talking about.

  • kls

    Hope these replys don't run together but you kinda have to explain a little better . Blonde here.

  • wanderlustguy

    I just lost my first "real" relationship,as far as a no witness stuff at all person. Horrible. I think I may have to reccomend stayin away from "wordly women"

  • EvilForce

    He must be talking to BrownBoy / The Word....he's all confused.

  • kls

    Oh ,i got ya now. Look just because one does not work out that does not mean the next won't .

    So you would rather date a jw ,like what you are trying to escape from?

    Don't group one bad or even two experiances and call it quits.

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