Personality Wise----Are You THAT Much Different Since Leaving The "Truth"?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock

    I am the same person, but I no longer look over my shoulder for fear of "stumbling" anyone and I no longer sacrifice myself for others.

  • Es

    I def have changed. I was a happy go lucky girl before all the crap started in the truth. And even tho im much happier now im not that girl anymoe, ive been bitter and angry and upset but lately i feel like a huge weight off my shoulders has been lifted es

  • toladest

    I am VERY different. I was a very quiet and shy person. I had VERY low self esteem and tended to get depressed very easily as a JW. I NEVER spoke my mind and always tried to "keep the peace".

    Now, I am not shy at all and I have a very good self-esteem. ( a lot due to pursing more education and getting a job) I speak my mind when I feel I need to and am happy most of the time. Life is good and I have a much better outlook. I also don't trust everything I hear and question everthing.

    I do have some things that have not changed. I have always been a very empathetic person and always tried to give people the "benefit of the doubt", something my mother always taught me. My heart has not really changed, just changed directions.


  • Soledad

    having been born into the cult and then left it at 23 I still have to discover who I really am. very very difficult to erase all the programming.

  • greendawn

    If you are in a controlling religion you have to follow convention and your personality inevitably disolves into the group, gets suppressed, but once you come out then eventually it will unfold into what it really is.

    Without a free personality, well rounded, capable of resistance, and abounding in energy, no one can be truly happy hence the depressed state of many JWs.

    After leaving, things changed in that I could according to my personality be democratic and tolerant and broad minded.

  • Carmel

    I don't know what a "personality wise" is! Is that a wise A$$? Where's onacruse!


  • zulukai

    Robert K Stock: AMENNNNNNNN!!!!!! The end.

  • love11

    As different as night and day.

    I was raised into it and not allowed to be my own person. After leaving it, I became the person I was always meant to be.

  • minimus

    Very interesting, revealing comments.

  • wanderlustguy

    Right now I am a very different person, am more confident and less depressed when I am alone, in fact solitude is actually welcome now when before solitude would lead me to find "association" instead of enjoying being alone.

    However I am not "happier" that I think I was then. I thought I had something, I thought I was a part of this great thing and had all of these awesome hopes and walked around like a happy idiot, proud of being better than everyone else. Ignorance is bliss.

    Today I am full of hate and anger. My heart is skeptical and I trust no one, still tender from the control and judgements of others I lash out at anyone I feel is telling me what i should do. Happiness is a stranger to me, I have no idea what I want or what will make me happy, if anything. Every time something good happens, I cringe and expect something equally bad to happen, which it does whether on it's own or with my help.

    Yea, I'm diffferent, now that I know what the truth is.

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