Is your former congregation still attracting converts?

by badboy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country_Woman

    I just spoke to someone who was "interested" during the same period I was attending the meetings and got babtised; I told him he was smarter then I was, cos he did'nt agree with babtising.... but he does ateend ALL the meetings....

    Maybe the fact that he is living together for 12 years now with the same lady (who don't believe in marriage) has something to do with that ---- but we spoke for nearly 2 hours.

    I'd give him the address of this site, so possible he will join us some day.....

    I hope so for he is a nice guy.

  • upside/down

    I asked this question right before fading...

    In 20 years (and I pioneered) I had only seen 2 people actually come into and stay in the bOrg. One died (cancer) and the other was an unbelieving mate who will be out, it's just a matter of time... as he can't stand the Dub hierarchy.

    All growth I witnessed was move-ins and those born into it (and almost NONE of those born into it, stay).

    u/d (of the their waters are drying up class)

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Plenty new ones lately at the meetings I've attended.


  • badboy

    i wonder why?

  • MidwichCuckoo

    The Congregation I used to attend has dropped in numbers by about 20% - it's an old Congregation, and the members are, sadly, dying. The only newcomers I've heard about are ones that are 'imported' from other Congregations.

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