not beards but...double standards?

by zaphod 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow2

    oh my....

    I think one of the elderettes would be appointed to talk to the sister about it in the congregation I attended. That kind of thing was frowned on if you were a publisher.

    I shave my legs when my husband starts to scream if I rub my leg against his. He doesn't like his women scratchy haha.

  • Honesty

    We had a young Bavarian mega-babe from Eastern Austria in our KH for about a year. She didn't shave and no one said anything about it. The brothers were only interested in the shape of her legs.

  • DHL
    In Europe at one time only female prostitutes shaved their legs and under their arms.


    Now that could be used as argument as we surely don't ever want to bring trouble over weaker bros and sis who could stumble on the (hairy) subject. Instead we should supplicate the fds' help.

    Writing this I wonder if such a question was never asked and answered in the "questions of readers" column yet. I almost would bet on it!

  • Es


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