What have you discovered on the journey?

by dh 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    My best deals in life have been the bad deals I got out of.
    I've never been screwed by an enemy.
    Success is friends.
    Security is health.
    Comfort is acceptance.
    Evidence and proof are very different things.
    Love is action.
    Money is transportation.

  • EvilForce

    Great post Garybuss

  • jeanniebeanz

    I have learned that when I had all the time in the world as a youth, time meant nothing to me. There was always time to change or fix things. Now that I am getting older, and actually know what I'm doing in life, there does not seem to be enough time left to fix all of the problems I created as a youth.

    I have learned that this life will go by too fast to really accomplish all that I would like to. Perhaps that is why we always push our kids to make better choices than we did in hopes to spare them hitting 50 and saying, "My, God. How did I get here? It's not where I wanted to be..."

  • sunny

    I have learned... that it really is a journey.

    That being in control is only an illusion.

    That having my children and watching them become adults is miraculous and wonderful.

    That what lies ahead of me is only limited by me.

    That we are all just human beings with ALL of the same limitations.

    That I do have valuable life experience to share with others.

    That laughter is very important.

    That I just need to hang on tight and take the plunge that is life!!!

  • Krystal

    Living for today is better than dreading tomorrow.

    Love endures ALL THINGS.... (not just the things within the rules of the WTS)

    There is more than one "true god"... as there is more than one religion and more than one way of thinking.

    Not all questions need or have answers.

    The world is sooo much bigger than I thought it was!

  • BrendaCloutier
    My best deals in life have been the bad deals I got out of.
    I've never been screwed by an enemy.
    Success is friends.
    Security is health.
    Comfort is acceptance.
    Evidence and proof are very different things.
    Love is action.
    Money is transportation.

    Beautifully worded, Gary!

    What I have learned is it doesnt matter who you are, who you worship, who you know, and so on,

    it does matter what you DO about your beliefs.

    How you TREAT and What you DO for your

    Anyone and everyone you come into contact with

    Peace, love, and just a little happiness ---- begins with me.

  • Sparkplug

    I have learned that I can make a difference.

    I have learned that I have worth.

    I have learned there are things and people I cannot fix.

    I have learned to say "No."

    I have learned to say "YES", whenever I want.

    I have learned that I have importance and it is not wrong to expect certain things.

    I have learned how to show love and affection.

    I have learned that all the crazy lil ' things I do actually were not so weird as I thought. In fact they are good things.

  • hybridous

    There is no spoon...

  • Lehaa

    That I can survive outside

    the family I gave up so much for are not willing to return the favour, and i don't really care

    those that you thought would be there for you were the ones to run first

    Those that you though would run have stuck around

    and that true freedom and happiness does not lie in the org but outside.

    and most importantly. Trust and believe in yourself. Do what you think is right, not what others think.

  • freedom96

    I have learned to not care so much what other people think. Usually they are not thinking anyways, so it is just a waste of time.

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