Child abuse or consenual relationship?

by pratt1 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LittleToe

    Even if you might thing it was latterly consensual, the early stages could be deemed "grooming".
    By the time he was old enough he was already conditioned to think it was ok.
    Not a wonder he's screwed up!!!

    Legally there's no doubt about the fact that it's "child abuse", in (as far as I'm aware) all of the Western world.

  • pratt1

    Thanks for the comments

    I suggested that he talk to his therapist because I hear more of revenge as a motive when I speak with him rather than wanting to protect future victims from this predator. He may need to work out the anger before he makes the accusations.

    He does have proof. Several motel receipt with the elders name and credit card nomber clearly stated and a photo of the elders wife's "most holy"clearly exposed.

  • avishai

    Well, as a publisher she is a minister. Check on the mandatory reporting laws in New York. She may be required to report. Now, Jw's try to go back and forth "We have no clergy!" And yet they got there pioneers minister status to get out of vietnam. Yet they don't report child abusers. Yet they are all "Ministers of Jehovah" C'mon, which is it, guys, fish or cut bait?.

    Report her. Better yet, tell her (your mother in law) your going to turn her in too as an accessory, to the police and/or to the elders if she does'nt.

  • loosie

    Doesn't matter what his motives are, revenge or future protection of others. If he brings it out into the open regardless of his motives it will out in the open therefore hopefully protecting furutre victims. For them to be considered for this position they are suppossed to be free from accusation. Under law being under 18 indicates abuse. Just like with Mary Kay Laturnoue, she stated he was more "man" then actual men twice his age. He was still under 18. Reveal it, even if it takes a newspaper ad to do it.

  • Scully

    For this woman to progress up the Theocratic Ladder on her husband's coat-tails after a 5 year affair with a minor is deplorable, especially considering the turmoil it has caused him in the aftermath. I'm also wondering if the DFing for the subsequent "affair" was an act of revenge instigated by a spurned elder's wife (soon to be circuit overseer's wife). A get him for something, but keep her out of it kind of thing.

    One thing's for sure: she's a pedophile and she's been going door to door all along (that's one of the criteria to qualify as a CO couple, to have an outstanding field service record). Now she's going to be a guest in the homes of unsuspecting families in various congregations where her husband is assigned. She's increased her playing field from a single congregation to a multitude of congregations where-ever her husband travels. She will be regarded as a pillar of righteousness and has the added bonus of the trust of every JW she encounters while she is in the company of her husband. She needs to be stopped.

  • LittleToe

    And of course, let's not forget that it's Jah's spirit-directed organisation that has appointed the couple

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    I think that there's a golden rule when you learn of such issues:

    Report it to the police and let them decide whether it's child abuse or not.

  • bem
    I think that there's a golden rule when you learn of such issues:

    Report it to the police and let them decide whether it's child abuse or not.

    IT, The perfect answer. And in this case the congo the local body of elders, after the police.

  • jeanniebeanz
    Report it to the police and let them decide whether it's child abuse or not.

  • Scully

    IT Support: Excellent answer!


    And in this case the congo the local body of elders, after the police.

    Nah, I'd prefer to Bring Reproach On Jehovah TM , he can handle it... as long as the congregation is willing to Wait on Jehovah TM .

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