
by Krystal 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Krystal


    I am 20 years old and I left the organization when I was 17. There are of course many gorey details which I will not get into right now... but I just wanted to say how happy I am to have found this fourm.

    As many of you remember, we were always instructed not to read anything about Jehovah's Witnesses that wasn't written by the organization. Well, that instruction stuck, and this is the first time I three years that I have dared to even look.

    Needless to say, I found some very disturbing information. I would like to thank everyone here for being part of the "good news"!

    Tonight has been tearful and I just wanted you all to know how helpful it has been to read your comments.

    Thank you!

  • purplesofa

    Welcome to the board, sounds like they are tears of joy.

    Keep coming, it gets better.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Been there, done that. Welcome to the forum!


  • bem

    ((((((Krystal))))) welcome to the forum it is good to hear it's helping you. It helped me a lot. and I have some great friends I've met here.


  • the_classicist

    Welcome to JWD. I hope you will find something here that you find useful.

  • Quotes

    Welcome Krystal.

    Yes, it is hard at first; they really do/did have us trained like Pavlovian dogs.

    If you are nervous about reading about JWs from outside sources, try reading about JWs in their own words: it is still condenming to them. I have a collection of Watch Tower Society quotes here: http://quotes.watchtower.ca/.

    Again, welcome!

    ~Quotes, of the "trying to not love bomb" class

  • Lehaa

    Welcome Krystal,

    It's amazing what you find out once we remove the organisation issued blinkers.

    You'll discover a lot more.

    It's a bit of a bumpy ride but al least your with friends.


  • Jez

    No, it is not easy to leave, but the chance to open up, explore and challenge everything that you thought "the truth" was is worth everything. You know what they say, Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Hang in there, and enjoy the real gift of life.


  • Aude_Sapere

    Hi Krystal -

    Welcome to JWD. It's a great place to feel, talk and just plain 'be'.

    I'm new here (since Nov) and it took me 10 years of computer access to get the nerve to look up Jehovah's witnesses. Once I did... WOW.

    I stayed up all night 2 nights in a row. only 4 hours sleep in 72 hours. (Obsessive, I admit it....!)

    But what great therapy!!

    Welcome to our family.

    -Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to have Knowledge/Wisdom)

  • Billygoat


    Welcome! I had the same feelings when I joined almost four years ago. What a blessing those years have been!


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