How did you react when you left WTS?

by ljwtiamb 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I've left the WTBTS emotionally. Since then I've...

    • Attended events at other churches/faiths.
    • Have gotten drunk quite a few times.
    • My clothing style has gotten a bit more revealing than it used to be.
    • Although I don't condone the behavior, I've made pretty good friends with people that practice homosexuality, people that smoke, and gamblers.
    • I go out on field service very little time, and skip many meetings.
    • Watched rated-R movies
    • Gone to night clubs quite often.
    • Privately celebrate Thanksgiving, birthdays, and Christmas, and love it!
    • Use foul language more often.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    on an emotional level I was experiencing what my therapist labeled "culture shock". I had to relearn many social skills.

    I was the only 21 year old virgin I knew of.

    I made up my mind to get as much experience in that department as possible ( hetero, that is). I never felt guilty and never looked back.

  • Quotes

    Well, I committed the worst, most unforgivable act of sin possible:

    I started using my brain to think for myself, rather than have some old men in Brooklyn interpret an old collection of myths to tell me how I should behave.

    I also started collecting and studying Watchtower material, in the way they *DON'T* want you to:

    Pretty crazy, heady stuff! I know is sounds wild, but I encourage you to try it too!

    ~Quotes, of the "Cigars in Cuba" class

  • ButtLight

    I went hog wild in just about everything I wasnt able to do as a jw. Took me about a year to get it all out of my system lol

  • ColdRedRain

    Got hammered and went to a strip club the night of my 21rst Bday (which was also the last day I went to a meeting)

  • jaredg

    lets, weed, R movies, strip clubs, nightclubs, drunken nights, bought a sports car......but i was already doing those things b4 i left.

  • whyamihere

    Jaredg...What kind of Sports Car?


  • drunkenpikachu

    for me...if sex was good..the weed was good..and the drinks were good, then life itself was very good. dp p.s. anal is just WEIRD. or maybe it's because the one time i did it my penis came out looking like a tootsie roll. hahahahahaha. i need to stop lying on top of all this.

  • somebody

    I check OTHER.

    My first act of rebellion, if you wish to call it that... was I had doubts if I even believed in God. And it took me years to even pick up and try and read a Bible after that. I found that I do believe in God, but not the Watchtower Society INC. ,or anything IT publishes. I learned the hard way the that WTS INC nor IT's god has NOTHING to do with GOD.

  • Quentin

    Moped around for several years then took that leap of faith and started celebrating birthdays, holidays(my wife went mad with joy when I said: "lets do Christmas this year")voted and we joined a nice quite mainline church were I taught Sunday school for several years. Dabbled around with the leaf a little, didn't like it, gave it up. Was always a hard drinker until I gave up drinking bout 10yrs ago. Smoked for years.

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