Bush pushes for attack on Vatican...

by Abaddon 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Washington D.C.

    President Bush today is expected to push through a special bill that will clear the way for a full-scale attack on Vatican City by US Special Forces.

    This action, President Bush stated;

    "It is in response to the Supreme Pontif's decison not to prolong his life further and remain at the Vatican during his last illness.

    We cannot allow someone to make a determinisationalation of what efforts should be made to keep them alive, not even if they are god's earthly sales representairly and have pupil inflatability

    Human life is sacred, which is why we happy to assault the Holly See as we reckon the combined might of the US millitary should be able to take-out a few guys in stripy trousers and halberds. All efforts will be made to stop collateral damage to the Vatican, but if you're about to make a booking to visit Rome, hold off a few hours and see what's left after we snatch the Pope and get him into hospital where they can stick him on the beep machine like god intended."

  • blondie

    April Fool

  • hillary_step


    lol....You missed the obvious catchphrase for the next four years 'the culture of life'. It seems to be cropping up with great regularity in the Bush administration speeches these days. Even Ms. Rice used it recently in Europe.

    Excerpt from a recent Bushigram : "Read my hips, anyone debilitating and playing with haphazardness with the culture of life ordained by his Godship will be invaded and taught a deathly culture of life lesson'.


  • trevor


    We cannot allow someone to make a determinisationalation

    I knew this was an April fool when I saw that Bush was supposed to have said the above.

    He couldn't manage such a big word without his dad's help.

  • Golf
  • Golf

    Good laugh folks, good laugh!


  • Abaddon

    HS: yup, I missed that one...

    I always think of petri dishes when someone says 'culture of life'.

    Quite frankly a serious commitment to a 'culture of life' would involve shaping public attitudes to reduce the 17,000 a year killed by drunk drivers, or to change attitudes to the storage of firearms at home or their usage (1,200 a year including 200 children), or the 40,000 deliberate firearm deaths a year.

    Let us not even talk about 'collateral damage' (obviously OTHER "cultures" of life aren't as equal as the American "culture" of life), or of the contradiction of a 'culture of life' putting people to death without adequate trial, or being more likely to put someone to death for the same crime if they are black.

    Seems the 'culture of life' is just another twisted piece politcalese designed to target specific groups the Republicans needed to stay in power in November, and will need again in 4 years time. Meaningless or contradictory phrases like 'culture of life' are like little Pavlov's bells; even if there is no food (or actual 'culture of life' outside of speech writers heads), when the bell is rung the salvia follows.

    But some remember the 'Moral Majority', which was neither. Some remember 'Trickle Down', which didn't. Some know 'collateral damage' means dead and dismemebered civilian men, women and children. Some people won't march to pretty words that evapourate into empty posturing if examined at any depth, even if such an examination means you have to discard some pretty myths.

  • JAVA
    He couldn't manage such a big word without his dad's help.

    So funny, so true, so sad . . .

  • rebel8
    pupil inflatability

    Yeah. My pupils are so fallible. And inflatable.

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