KM - Local Needs

by TheListener 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • proandcon

    Local needs talk her in my cong (Mass) is on "apostacy"...a whacko began to partake recently (last year and this year) and is beginning to spout his own ideas as part of the "F&D slave" class...a real riot !!! Elders don't know what to do...CO came and is putting the clamps down...this person will be tossed if he doesn't shut up soon...everyone now avoids this "anointed brother of Christ" as if he has the plague...WTF?

    this is going to get good...a reenactment of the Salem witch trials except ..."I am there"...


  • Elsewhere
    Local needs talk her in my cong (Mass) is on "apostacy"...a whacko began to partake recently (last year and this year) and is beginning to spout his own ideas as part of the "F&D slave" class...a real riot !!! Elders don't know what to do...CO came and is putting the clamps down...this person will be tossed if he doesn't shut up soon...everyone now avoids this "anointed brother of Christ" as if he has the plague...WTF?

    lmao... I love it when the WTS is bit in the ass by their own teachings.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    One of the best local needs i can remember was about 3 years ago.

    The Elder was abit of an old duffer..however.

    Anyway the theme was Masturbation...dunno how he knew it was a local problem though....

    His opening words? "we are going to talk about something we all do....................."

    I have never heard so many stifled laughs at the KH.

    Ditto i have never seen so much squirming in Peoples Seats.

  • Elsewhere
    His opening words? "we are going to talk about something we all do....................."

    90% of men surveyed admit to masturbating... the other 10% are lying.

  • Tuesday

    I remember one local needs part that split our congregation in two. It was basically saying that PG-13 movies were just as bad as R rated movies and we shouldn't see them. Half the congregation went along, and half didn't. I even remember some leaving the congregation over this (must've been movie buffs). Another local needs talk was about listening to the F&D no matter if you agree or not, the example was a guy who had long hair and after an elder asked him to cut it the next day it was cut. Then everyone in the hall looked over at me, luckily I was too busy remembering a PG-13 movie I had recently watched.

  • BluesBrother
    Local needs are a fill in ....often with no well thought out purpose or discussed agenda by elders.

    Would you rather have yet another demonstration of how to present the mags on Saturday? i always found K M Items the most boooring, repetitive wastes of time ever

  • tijkmo

    always wondered why they refered to it as a i needed the practice

    the youth book recommended getting up and doing something like taking the rubbish (trash) out....our house woulda been spotless but no one woulda got any sleep

  • ozziepost
    Local needs are SUPPOSED to be well thought out needs of the congregation with inquiries made to the PO or other elders as to what should be covered/discussed,.......but is rarely performed in such a manner.

    Happily (unhappily?) this isn't the case down here. The elders actually meet to discuss it and it's a 'big thing'. The congo often dreads the Local Needs talk - they know they're going to get a kick in the butt about something or other.

  • EvilForce

    I remember a local needs talk one time about 15 years ago...

    It was a part on "How To Count Your Hours In Service"
    So after you leave the hall if you drive to the territory you count your time when you get out of the car to bang on the first door. However, if you bang on a Return Visit right next to the hall then you can count your drive time as "Service Time".

    If a break is necessary to continue "Witnessing" (ie a 15 minute pit stop at a Mickey D's) no need in deducting that time.
    If you go over 15 mins or so.... then it is a "break" and should not be counted.

    He also said, "I've noticed recently teenaged ones having a little too much fun in Service... we need to remember this is serious business".

    He concluded by saying that you should never round up your service time, but carry over the time. So if you have 10 hours and 45 minutes of Service time, then you turn in the 10 hours and add 45 minutes to next month. But you should never round up and deduct the 15 minutes from next month, because this was like robbing Jehovah.

    This was the same elder who a few weeks earlier laughed at the Jewish leaders of Jesus time for debating whether wiping their noses on the sabbath was considered work or not.

    Who sounds more ridiculous?

  • observador

    "everyone now avoids this "anointed brother of Christ""

    What a good laugh! Thanks.

    I mean, if you want to be in peace with the congregation never ever become an "anointed brother of Christ".

    What the heck...


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