Xtra-terrestrials...what are your thoughts?

by Bas 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32

    With the immense diversity of life on Earth, it seems to me that life can't help but develop! I believe there must be other intelligent life in the universe.

    It seems highly improbable that these life forms have visited Earth, though.. especially in the small window of time that UFO/abduction stories have flourished. Those stories have only been around for what, maybe 100 or 150 years? And Earth has been around for 4 billion years? Nope..I don't buy it. :)

  • jaffacake

    The laws of probability say there must be other somewhere in the universe (unless there is a God and s/he decided only to allow this one planet to be inhabited for a very special reason). It would not be possible however that ufos could have visited earth. The next nearest planet that could possibly have life would be so far away that even at light speed, which no mtter could ever travel at, would take many many lifetimes to get here - who would bother? There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever for anything having visited this planet, nor is there for ghosts etc etc. No for any psychic powers etc.

    I kile that guy Randi or whoever who still has the $million dollar reward for anyone who can provide proof of anything. Unclaimed after decades!

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