Question for those raised a JW

by New Worldly Translation 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shania

    We had a good start to being good catholics, catholic school with mean nuns and uniforms, confession on Saturday, church on Sunday morning..............I loved God and Jesus and wanted to be a good girl......that all changed in 72 when the witness enter our the God I loved was the God that was going to kill everyone I loved, even my dad if he didn't go to the hall with us...........I was very scared. Lets face friends, that is how they operate , Fear is the way they get your parents in, all your children are going to die if you don't get baptized before 75------------so that was the end of us being raised catholic and coming into a cult that takes your love of God which is your right and use it to control every aspect of your life. So to answer your qustion I always wanted to be a good catholic and no I would never listen to a wacky witness if they came to my door........if only we could turn back time.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    this is a good question;

    I firmly believe that I am a product of my experience in life; JW background included. I like to keep a very open mind about things and this is a direct result and rebellion from the "closed minded thinking " I was taught as a JW.

    I am not so sure I would be the same without that "fascist" upbringing. Without that experience to teach me, my life may have taken a different tac; and I am not sure which wind would have blown my sails.

  • Dustin

    I know if I was not born a JW, that I would have laughed at them and shut the door. However, when it's all you know growing up casting it aside can be very difficult. It's really strange when you look back, and you say wow I wish I would have just left so long ago.

  • mrsjones5

    I was raised in the madness and wasnt attracted to it. Oh I studied to get baptised but I could never work myself up to take the big dip, and quite honestly I dont think the brothers at the hall I attended cared whether or not I did get baptised.

    But no, if I had been raised with another religious outlook I dont think I would ever have been attached to the JWs.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I'm not sure on this one. I think I'd be someone who took the mags at the door, maybe attend meetings here and there, the odd assembly, memorial etc. I don't think I'd ever "progress" to baptism though.


  • DanTheMan

    I think that for 99% of people JW's are nothing more than those religious people who come to the door once every year or two and give them a Watchtower magazine, which goes promptly to the trash. I tell you the truth, I had been on this earth for 22 years and didn't know a single thing about them until I started studying.

    Only weirdos like me read that sh*t and ask "where do I sign up?" lol

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