Question for those raised a JW

by New Worldly Translation 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    I was wondering if anybody feels like I do that if I hadn't been raised a JW I would never have embraced the religion. I know it's easier to say in hindsight after I know the truth about the org but honestly I don't think I would have given them the time of day. I'm not a religious person or even a spiritual person and being a JW always caused a conflict in my mind.

    I'm not very good at having faith & trust in things that are largely ephemeral, which is needed in religion in my view. I'm more of a scientific person and like good solid proof before I believe anything.

    Do you think if you had been raised as a worldly ? person you would have been attracted to the JW's or any religion when you grew up?

  • Sparkplug

    I do not think so. I have never felt the need to have a leader. I am not saying that I think I am the end all and be all...It is just now that I am not a witness, I really see no need to replace one adiction with another. I just live and try to start my family tree over. I know I am just one person in all of this sea of people over the ages and if someone such as all of the Theologist and suchlike people of the "thinking" mind...could not figure it out...what in the world makes me think I should even try. I think it would be a waste of time.

  • Wild_Thing
    Do you think if you had been raised as a worldly ? person you would have been attracted to the JW's or any religion when you grew up?

    This is a hard question to answer because we will never know what kind of persons we would have become if we had not grown up in the organization. I know that is true for me.

    I would like to think I definitely would not be attracted to the Witnesses because I always examine things closely before I buy in. (I am assuming I would still have this quality had I not been raised a JW.)

    I am also fairly certain that I would be interested in some type of religion or God, although I do not know what that would be. I feel like I have been so poisoned against religion in general that I have no use for any of it now.

  • geevee

    I dont even give the pay TV guys a fair go, or the seventh day adventist any money, although he may get a bonus this time round....... I dont think that I would be all that religious, my cousins aren't and that is how I could/should/would have been raised.

  • IP_SEC

    I probably would have looked down my nose at them. 'course hind sight is 20/20, so who knows.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I never would have gotten involved with any religion unless I seriously checked out all the criticisms of it from ex members and still thought it was the truth, and it didn't hurt anyone.

    My parents never had the internet though.


  • Ténébreux

    I don't have a great deal of curiosity about any other religions or a desire to join them now, so I can only assume I would have viewed the JWs in much the same way had I not been born into it. On the other hand though, my attitude toward religion in general has probably been influenced quite heavily both by the JWs teachings and by the experience of leaving them. So it's hard to say how receptive I would have been to them (or anyone else who knocked on the door) without having been through all that first.

  • Effervescent

    There is no way I would have even considered becoming a witness. I left the Org. ten years ago and since then I have found a new "church home" which I just love and feel so fulfilled by. The Witnesses are just so not me and just the thought of living that lifestyle again is enough to make me want to vomit. It almost seems like this very bad dream I had for like... uh... 18 years.

    But then having said that you also have to acknowledge that hindsights 20/20. Theres a whole lot of propaganda and deceit thrown at new ones. All it takes is being down on your luck and the feeling that no one really cares and boom.... next thing you know your sitting in a mini-van with 5 others in skirts, suits and ties discussing why YOU think the end is coming next year.

  • Mamacat

    I don't think I would have ever bought into their "truth."

    I take the logical approach to things, not emotional. I've always believed if something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't.

    No one in my family other than the JW's are religious. I can't see myself thinking of God first in every situation.

    I probably would have been polite to any who came to my door, though, at least at first. I like to read, so I can see me taking magazines if they seemed interesting.

  • Es

    No I dont think so unless my life was really really really crap, but other than that no

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