Hair Falling Out... AGAIN??

by Sassy 20 Replies latest members private

  • Euphemism

    Sorry to hear you've been feeling stressed out, Sassy. I certainly can't blame you.

    I know you work for a pretty large company; does your work have an EAP or other psych benefit? A lot of companies around here have EAPs, and for any given incident, you can get five visits to a shrink for no cost.

  • Puternut

    Depending on where your hair is falling out, it may not be necessarily be a bad thing.....wink


  • whyamihere

    Depending on where your hair is falling out, it may not be necessarily be a bad thing.....wink

    That's so funny and wrong! Puternut shame on you! Atleast you didn't say "Cemo is better than waxing!"


  • wednesday

    Depending on where your hair is falling out, it may not be necessarily be a bad thing.....wink

    That's so funny and wrong! Puternut shame on you! Atleast you didn't say "Cemo is better than waxing!"


    funny thing about hair loss it never falls out where u want it to, it will grow in the darndest places. iI can't get the yellow highlighter to stop help

  • blondie

    I have had that problem...try 200 mg of zinc a day.

  • Sassy

    thanks for all your comments!

    I am pretty sure that things are going to level out and get better.. But I wanted this thread out there, so if this happens to others as they deal with their exit issues, they know they are not alone!

    I will definately look into the hair product Kate....

    and as far as my thyroid.. its been checked many times, because my oldest son has a thyroid condition, but I do not seem to.

    and Puter.. my dear dear friends....

    if only it did fall out in the right places.. would save on costly professional wax jobs..

  • SheilaM

    (((((((((Sassy)))))))))))))))))))))))) I have had this happend, after I had my babies and during stress. I have tons of hair LOL So it's never noticable to anyone but me and poor Thunder who unclogs the drain. WOW thanks for the info on the thyroid. I forgot my Mom had thryoid problems and I am usually fatigued easily etc. Gotta have it checked

  • exjwshell

    One more thing about the thyroid testing...there are a few different types of blood test they will do for thyroid testing..the most basic test (and most common) DOES NOT always show first blood test came back as Normal..(it was just a basic TSH test) Doctors need to do a "full panel" which includes your TSH, T-4 and T-3 levels. These are different hormones all that work with your thyroid. Just because one level is normal does NOT mean the rest of them are. This is why many thyroid patients are misdiagnosed.

    Any family practice doctor can order any of these types of tests...but your best bet is to see an endocrinologist (a gland/hormone doctor)...especially if it runs in your family. Thyroid problems are hereditary.


  • Country_Woman


    I forgot my Mom had thryoid problems and I am usually fatigued easily etc. Gotta have it checked

    diabetes causes the same troubles (except hair falling out I think) so when you are on the verge - don't need insuline but just take precautions with your sugar intake, and you don't..... then you might suffer fatigue - remember diabetes runs in families as well sister.

    ((( Sassy ))) 'good' that you did experienced this before, at least now you know that it is temporarily and you will get your hair 'back' when the stress is over.......

  • just fine
    just fine

    ((((Sassy))) I am so sorry this is causing you so much stress. It's terrible what they put other people through. If theres anything I can do just let me know. I promise it will get easier with time.

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