How would you know if your spouse didn't love you anymore?

by Preston 39 Replies latest social relationships

  • tijkmo

    men are from mars..women are from venise......surely some mistake..women are from venice....anyways bud sorry for what you are feeling or experiencing....surely cant be much worse than being forced to remain in a relationship where you feel nothing ....i know....horrible horrible horrible...even worse when ones spouse is still in love and is desperate for that love to be recipricated...hope you both find peace

  • Dragonlady76

    I know what you mean Preston!

    PM me.


  • ButtLight

    When kissing your partner is like kissing a can of worms!!!!

  • cab1000

    I was watching some TV show, and a old couple was on there that had been married for like over 50 years. When asked how they did it, the old man said, "We were never out of love at the same time".

    I think in a relationship it is normal to feel out of love sometimes, as long as it does not happen together....


  • outoftheorg

    If you or your mate feel a slow burning anger or are repulsed by the other, there is a real problem.

    If everytime you or your mate looks at the other, it creats a feeling of disgust or frustration there is a real problem.

    However is the problem caused by you or is it caused by your mate. This needs to be determined. Where is the anger or the disgust or the unhappyness. Is it one of you or both?

    Often times a person can have anger due to a situation that has nothing to do what so ever with your mate.

    You or your mate can be angry for something from several directions or from the past that has nothing to do with today or your mate.

    It is called misdirected anger. For example, it is not uncomon for us to be very angry with our parents and how we were raised and direct that anger to the one closest to us. or many other scenarios.

    We fear losing our parents and the family and send our anger off in another direction.

    For some reason it is most often redirected to our mate or someone we are close to or to our place of employment, or heaven forbid, we stuff it and become suicidal.

    I would recomend seeing a counselor and determining what is happening instead of guessing or doing nothing.


  • larc


    Here are couple subtle clues.

    1. When your wife wants you to sleep in the car, instead of the bedroom.

    2. When you come home from work and she has gun pointed at you.

    3. When she asks you if you would rather have mustard on that hot dog or rat poison.

    4. When you come home and she and all of the furniture is gone.

    5. When she wants to go on a two week vacation to a nice vacation spot by herself.

    6. When she takes out a million dollar life insurance policy on your life, and uses rat poison instead of mustard on your hot dog.

    7. Last but not least, when she goes back to the Kingdom Hall, just to royally piss you off.

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake

    My boyfriend always scratches my back for no reason. If he stopped doing this...I would know.

  • cruzanheart

    Preston, I'm sorry you're going through this right now. I think if Chris quit loving me I'd know because the sun wouldn't shine, the birds wouldn't sing, and I'd feel cold and lonely inside. Mercifully, after almost 22 years, I don't think that will ever happen!!!


  • Insomniac

    Preston, sweetpea- even the most solid relationships in the world wax and wane. Like, even though I adore my bf, sure there are some times when I'm sick to death of him, as I'm sure he gets sick of me (incredible as this seems). Sometimes, during really stressful times, we find ourselves not even liking each other as friends. From what I've been told by older folks (in their 70's, 80's, and 90's) this is utterly normal, and it should pass befoore too very long. I think when it goes on for months and years, it may mean the relationship is in trouble. I'm sending best wishes to you and your honey, and hopes that this is just a wee pothole in the road of love.

  • whyamihere

    Last but not least, when she goes back to the Kingdom Hall, just to royally piss you off.

    Oh thats so funny!


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