What if?

by jula71 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • seattleniceguy


    Don't worry, Witnesses are totally and completly wrong. There is precious little about their belief system even remotely true. They lie about their opposers. They lie about people that leave their organization. They lie when they present science by totally misrepresnting the views of the scientists they (mis-)quote. They lie about their history. They lie about facts regarding their keystone years, such as 607 and 1914. They lie or deceieve subtly in connection to just about everything they teach.

    And that's just their lies. They also produce a stiffling, legalistic culture where people are controlled by fear, guilt, and obligation. This affects the mental health of members in ways that will become apparent once you start reflecting on your own experiences with people in the org.

    Don't worry. They're totally, totally wrong. Just do your research. Research things that you're interested in - whether those are scientific fields, psychology, history, sociology, you name it. The more you learn, the more you'll be blown away by just how incredibly wrong they are about everything.


  • jula71

    J, I see your point. I guess I'm trying to unlearn what I have been taught, meaning I'm doing research and comparing it to what the WT teaches and trying to see what has the "ring of truth" in it. It's just hard to explain, I've been taught and drilled since infancy they are to the ONLY true religion and the ONLY human mouthpiece for God and I'm learning they are most likely wrong. If their the only ones and they are wrong, that leaves no one. I guess that's my main struggle.

  • diamondblue1974

    This is a really good thread; Its natural to have those feelings and thoughts and even though ive been out for over a decade it still can occasionally come flooding back. It is part of the conditioning and does happen less and less if you fill your mind with other things.

    Good point Niceguy.


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    what if and if only seems to be a root cause of much suffering and dissatisfaction

    when I experienced a profound re-orientation of time via some sort of mental eppiphany, I suddenly realized that
    I am always exactly where I must be because the last moment that brought me here was only 10-43seconds ago and there is absolutely no way I could be anywhere else, ever.... with that realization I came to see that any religion which demands that anyone be other than exactly what they are in any moment is totally delusional and based on nothing more than mythology and the false notion that my life could have been anything but what it was.

    it also shows that any god who may exist who demands his children to something he should be wise enough to realise they cannot be, must be insane.... so yes, JWs can be right, but it would mean their god is insane and there is no guarentee that any of his promises will be fulfilled

    notice how Moses had to remind Jehovah about his promises to Abraham to avoid being the last man standing

    Exodus 32....

    and how this apparently imperfect god was made to repent of his evil -- exodus 32:14

    so put your trust in an insane god if you wish, but I will just accept what reality dishes out as I have no other choice that is meaningful

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    Don't worry. They're totally, totally wrong. Just do your research. Research things that you're interested in - whether those are scientific fields, psychology, history, sociology, you name it. The more you learn, the more you'll be blown away by just how incredibly wrong they are about everything.


    if only it were that simple, the more research one does the more one realizes that all beliefs are built upon assumptions and rationalities which cannot be verified... if everyone agreed on the "facts" there would likely not be any religions left standing, but what the "facts" are is not always possible to verify or agree upon or even discuss. in many things I prefer honest agnosticism, I dont know and you dont either and if you pretend to it easy to see you are lying....and if you really know, then you should be able to show it in a way that anyone can agree with, which is very difficult to do.

  • whyamihere

    I always think the "What If" question. As time passes the "what if" turns into ..........."Why?"


  • jeanniebeanz
    ONLY true religion and the ONLY human mouthpiece for God


    Even this is part of the fear when you really step back and look at it. Who says that there is only one true ?religion?? Who says that there is only one ?mouthpiece for God??

    When you want to tear down a table you don?t hack away at the veneer on the top, you go after the legs. Being willing to examine the roots of your beliefs are the keys to freedom. Don?t worry about your faith, it will survive scrutiny with clarity! What won?t survive are the lies you were taught.

    Painful, I know!! Been there!! But being willing to do so has brought me much more peace. It is a continuing effort to replace lies with truth and fact. The key is not to throw out an old belief system and then replace it with nothing, that just leaves you as a shell. You must continue to search and learn.


  • GetBusyLiving

    You can disprove so many of their beliefes that the religion becomes the equivalent of worshiping the toothfairy. Apart from pulling God (if there is one) down from heaven and asking him personally thats all the proof you need that this religion is bullshit.

    Don't be afraid to confront your cherished beliefs too. I found that after reading CoC I felt that I had found solice in Christianity. But that isnt enough if you are really wanting to dig and find out the truth about things. If you research the history of the Bible, the way it was written and what it was really based on you will find that your beliefs are often just a crutch, an illusion. Its scary at first but in the end things start to piece together and make sense. You lose a feeling of certainty, but at the same time you become open to the possiblities of anything.. and it brings peace in knowing that all humanity are in the same race together. Its soo empowering.


  • acsot
    They also produce a stiffling, legalistic culture where people are controlled by fear, guilt, and obligation.

    It was because of the above that, during my cognitive dissonance period (which lasted several years) about the WTS and its teachings, my "what if" turned into an "even if", as in: Even if they're right (which, now, I do not believe for a second) I would not want to spend all of eternity in such a controlling, unloving and pharisaic organization.

    I'd rather enjoy freedom from fear now for how ever many years I have than an eternity of guilt and pressure.

  • jula71

    Thank all of your help and replies. This is such an awkward, painful, uncomfortable, ect... period in my life, I really appreciate it.

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