social retard

by MerryMagdalene 124 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jez
    (Jez please do not take offense since I am listing this as a previous jw belief system. At this point, I'm glad that you found a work-around)

    Jeannie, I would never take offense at someone's personal experience. I have other issues from being a JW, (guilt used to be #1) but being socially retarded is not one of them. I always was a very outgoing person though. My personality was, and always has been, push the limits of what is acceptable. You know what, I did great being a JW as a kid and an adult. I had lots of "friends", normal social events, worldly friends, whatever. I considered myself a very balanced witness. I strongly believed that God would be the judge of people, not men and therefore did not deal on 'worldly' friends dying at Armageddon. I was very popular in the congregation and always was myself. I know no other way to be. I never was a hypocrite, (believing one thing and doing another) and you know what, to those ppl that NEED to be one, for whatever personal reason, it is not WRONG. It is survivial sometimes.

    Only when I was df'ed, did I start to see the truth for the load of crap it was/is. My df'ing shocked me into reality, for that I am eternally thankful. THEN I lost out, I lost all my friends and my social circle disappeared. How do you even begin to rebuild something that took a lifetime to build?

    More ramblings later....Jez

  • Odrade

    Okay Jez, you called me an Elderette. I was not angry before, and had no "agenda" other than the fact that mine and Crumpet's and Diamond's and a few others' feelings were obviously wounded a little (or alot) by your insensitivity. You most certainly did say that we should look for other reasons... what are we supposed to take from that? You mean to tell me you didn't mean it was personality flaws?

    If YOU read MY posts with a "critical eye" you will see that I asked you in every post if that is what you meant, and that I really didn't think you meant it so insensitively. Now I've changed my mind. I think you are pulling that crap on purpose. Does it make you feel good? Does it make you feel superior that you were able to be a "master of social life" and be "bad-ass" and do a "few naughty things?"

    According to your description, YOU WERE NOT GOOD ASSOCIATION AS A JW. There, is that ELDERETTE enough for you? Those of us who believed and tried to do the right thing got royally screwed. Those who rejected it all out of hand, got royally screwed. YOU evidently, knew how to "play the game." And you know what? Game players will stab you in the back, given the opportunity, inside and outside the organization.

    You are an unreasonable person. You said hurtful things to hurting people, and you are fiercely defending your right to behave that way. Fine. Is that ELDERETTE enough for you?

    And one more thing, you really seem PROUD of leading your double life... tell me, how is a double life being TRUE to yourself? And once again, is that ELDERETTE enough for you?

    By the way, (and this is my last ELDERETTE comment I will make to you,) there is another term for "double life..."


  • Jez
    Does it make you feel superior that you were able to be a "master of social life" and be "bad-ass" and do a "few naughty things?"

    Your last post shows your true colors. Yes, it was elderette enough for me. It was spot on. I absolutely do not feel superior to anyone, but YOU on the other hand, obviously feel very superior to me to even THINK that you have a right to publically chastise me. How VERY cultish of you. I was riddled with guilt my whole teenage years and into my adult years. I was in constant conflict over who I knew I was 'suppose' to be and who I really was. I was a normal teenage girl going through normal teenage stuff and doing normal teenage stuff. You were and are obviously one of those self-righteous holier than thou kinds that love to bury people alive under a mountain of labels, false accusations and assumptions.

    We are talking about when I was a KID here! Do you even understand that?!

    You seem to take pride in the fact that you were and are so perfect?!??! It is like this crown of JW life that you refuse to let go. Just let it go! The pagent is over, you win, I win, all that left win.

    Cheers Jez

  • seven006

    Will both of you knock it off.

    Take a few steps back and look at the big picture here. You are both exJW's and you both are dealing with being out of the cult and the bullshit that follows. The last couple of posts by both of you borderlines on a high school level chick fight.

    Haven't you two learned anything? Jesus fricken christ, you'd think you two would be beyond this.

    Neither one of you are stupid little high school girls so please stop acting like you are.

    Keep it up and I'll lock the tread to keep you both from looking stupid and embarrassing yourselves.

    Now give me a big hug and kiss, shake hands and say your sorry or I'm going to put you both over my knee and give you a good spanking.


  • Jez
    I have carried this shallow, don't get too close to anyone, don't voice a strong opinion for fear of having it shot down because not everyone thinks the same as me attitude around for decades. It sucks and it's very lonely. It gets in the way of every relationship I have had. Fortunately, my husband has learned to draw me out, but not many have or ever will.

    Jeannie: I think you articulated perfectly how it feels to be an ex-witness socially. I never thought of it this way before.

    The "not everyone thinks the same as me attitude" is a very scary concept for me too. When I started taking university courses years ago, I realized for the first time why the org does not encourage it. Everyone debated, disagreed, agreed, agreed with some but not all, etc. Everyones essays were different, and MEANT to be that way! I kept waiting for someone to tell me the right answer, I kept looking for the right answer but one day, it hit me and I felt like such an innocent child. It was so....almost humiliating and terrifying at the same time to realize that I was so conditioned to someone telling me the answer or there being ONE answer. It's ok to have your own opinion. It is ok to respectfully discuss those opinions. It was such a breakthrough moment for me. From then on, I knew I would be extra sensitive to people TELLING me what to think, TELLING me how it was or is, or telling me who I am or should be. My jaw is firmly set now against that kind of thinking and I know that it creates an extreme opposite effect sometimes.

    Great comments from so many people!


  • MerryMagdalene

    Hey, Dave--

    I know I haven't been terribly naughty but can I have a hug and a kiss and a spanking anyway??? After all, I started this apost-love-fest, didn't I? And it is the social event of the season!


    Prophecor, Jeanniebeanz--

    I love the things you say. They resonate so deep within my psyche!


    Love, Peace, and I hope you are all having a sweet sweet Sunday

  • prophecor

    Prophecor, Jeanniebeanz--

    I love the things you say. They resonate so deep within my psyche!

    Everybody-- You Touch a Special Place Within My Psychic Energy Field as well, dear Sister. All of you are incredibly special people.

  • Sparkplug

    OK, So here is a bit I wrote that I thought this thread may enjoy.. If you were raised as a JW....You will understand! Talk about why we were so socially retarded. Dont criticize too harsh.

    So here I go every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday to the Kingdom Hall. Four hours of door knocking on Saturday and a grand total of ninety hours a month preaching Gods? word via these attractive brochures. Before I went to school I had been giving speeches, talks, in this school called the Theocratic Ministry School for at least a year prior. The parts I did consisted of five minutes of me talking to an older woman about God. Now, it did not matter how appropriate the subject because the subject was all predetermined. You found out what point you were working on out of this little book. You presented the material in the manner requested.

    Here it is, I have a ?talk? tonight. I am working on volume and pausing correctly. That is one of your first items on your list to becoming a well rounded speaker. I am about five or six years old and tonight I am going to teach an older woman that I have encountered while doing ?field service?, (AKA door knocking) about fornication and keeping the marriage bed clean. Yeah, no joke here, this is serious business because I want her to live forever on a paradise earth. In five minutes I had read three scriptures, overcome her objections, placed two sets of magazines, this months and last months and obtained the proper payment. I believe it was fifteen cents back then. I also had started a Bible study. Yuppa, that was me, Ms. Fornication expert at five years of age. I think the afro really sold her. How could she not convert with such a child with fashion sense? Everyone applauded. I sure could preach.

    I did so well that I got to go see one of my favorite families the Browns. I swear they were the only black people in town and I loved them. With only around ten kids running around plus our four, it was a blast. We would go to the back room and get our groove on with all the Motown forty fives. The bump, the stroll, anything that wasn?t too loose would do. We had to make sure the words were appropriate to Godlike actions you know!

    My mom would go to the extremes when it came to keeping ?the world? out of our lives. The world was everyone who was not one of Jehovah?s Witnesses and was not going to get eternal life right here on this very planet. So worldly influences were out and with that went any hopes I had of us getting a TV. I sure did love it on Saturday morning when I would be going ?door to door? with my mom and a carload of people and my mom would find a ?sheep?. A sheep is someone who has sheep like personalities and is willing to let God lead them. Or at least let my mom talk for a long time. It also is a very good possibility that they were very bad at hiding or their kids ratted them out and they were forced to talk to the Bible thumpers. This meant I could peak carefully and see the TV through the screen door. Yes!! I had won the jackpot. If it was a really good ?call?, I could actually see Scooby Do, the demonized show. It had ghost, demons, witches, spirit-ism and mystery. I had to act like I did not like the demon show and every once in a while read a scripture my mom would have me look up. Thus I became very adept at multi-asking. One eye on the TV, one on the Bible, one on all the roaches that were running around on this sheep like person?s floor and one on the cake made with real sugar, (REAL SUGAR) that this sheep was offering me. I was such a shy girl that I was afraid to take it and I turned her down on her cake offer. Till this day at thirty three years of age I still kick myself for being too shy to take that chocolate cake. No amount of my mom?s whole wheat, egg substitute, and old banana bread cake could ever replace the image in my head of that sinful downright fornicating good cake.

    Well back to school. There I had to be a JW (Jehovah?s Witness) also. It was a way of life. I can still come up with a presentation to place a Watchtower or Awake in about 2 second flat. I would go to my ?territory? (this is the place you find sheep like people in) and if I was quiet enough I could get out of the doghouse. It never failed that I would just get out of that blasted doghouse and back to the class and ?Oh Hell, double sixes, someone would have a birthday. Double damn it, once again I would have to speak up and say how I did not celebrate birthdays and ask to be excused to go to the library or doghouse, take your pick. I wasn?t eating any of that birthday cake. It was the food of the Devils celebration. To eat of it would mean that I had celebrated a birthday. Only three birthdays are mentioned in the Bible and at two of them people were beheaded and I think at the other one there must have been fornication because I could not have one. Seeing that the only birthdays mentioned in the Bible had bad outcomes, well then birthdays must be bad. Besides Jesus said it was better on the day of a man?s death, blah, blah. So when I die ?CAN I PLEASE HAVE CHOCOLATE CAKE?? With real chocolate not that carob stuff?

  • Sparkplug

    I guess if I mde my point it was...How could any of us be the so called normal with lives like the above written as a "norm." It is always so easy to make people who were raised in "Da Troof" laugh because we all had a wacked out twisted childhood. All the things that look so odd now were so very normal to us. Example: 144,000, door knocking, banned TV...etc. People were automatically die hard friends because they loved Jehovah" I don't think any of us had to work too hard at cultivating social skills. I am still a walking attestment to that.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I really liked your posts Sparkplug.. sounded so familier. So sad.


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