I hope this memorial doesnt backfire ...........

by fleaman uk 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    devon and jgnat

    thanks for the advice,but your talking to the converted im familiar with the "love bombing"but in my opinion that is a false word.Yes,it can be very ott and a bit sickly and ,yes,the welcome calms down a bit a s the Person "progresses"but however misguided they are...JW,s (at least in my experience)are pretty genuine.

  • adelmaal

    JMHO... The two of you should also go to an Easter service on Sunday so you can pay your respects in more ways than one. See which method of worship appeals to you more.

    Personally, I think partaking of the emblems is a much more fitting symbol of your appreciation than just passing them along. That is why I suggest an Easter service where you can try being a part of those who feel they personally benefit from Christ's sacrifice in a heavenly sense and have him as their mediator rather than just sitting back and observing and refusing to participate. Just a thought...

  • new light
    new light
    i could never deny they Disrespected Jesus.

    So then why are you going?

  • AuntieJane

    I hope to hear your review after attending, since you are obviously so set on going. Please let us know how it goes.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    Sorry,my crap Grammar and double negatives etc.

    Should say i dont believe the JW,s ever disrespected Jesus.


    Thats a good suggestion,i will suggest it to her.Thanks.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Auntiejane (ive got an Auntie Jane!!)

    I will report back.Although ive been out 2 Years ,this is the first time i have been to a Meeting with my Eyes fully open(this board has a lot to do with that!)...and with a worldly Girlfriend with a nose piercing in tow. !

  • Pole
    s"but however misguided they are...JW,s (at least in my experience)are pretty genuine.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    if you read my post carefully you will see that particular term "genuine "was in relation to "genuinely"welcoming People (particularly new ones)to the KH,as in genuinely pleased to see someone......

    Hope that clears it up.

    Regards to you.

  • marsal

    **You clearly weren't ever a Witness then.

    Actually, fleaman, I was a JW for 5 years. Been DF'd for several years.

    JWs have no personal relationship with Christ, are not allowed to partake communion although he commanded all of his disciples to do so, they think he is merely Michael the Archangel, rarely sing songs about him, certainly do not worship him and the WTS teaches that Jesus is not even their mediatior.

    When I was a JW, I rarely knew any other JW that even spoke very much about Jesus.

  • Pole


    I can't disagree - I'm sure many witnesses are happy to see new faces at the KH, but this still doesn't make up for the fact that they are misguided. I still don't know which of their beliefs attract you to the Memorial.

    I mean, I'm not a Christian so I can't say if Jesus is properly respected there, but I certainly find the whole idea of dividing people into the "participating" and "observing" classes discriminating and rather preposterous. I mean do you really believe many of those few participating will first help Jesus kill 99% of the world (including the members of this forum (apostates)) and then rule the Earth for a thousand years? I guess not. And if not, then what makes you want to go there? Sentiments? Anyway, this may be a personal question.

    As for your girlfriend - if you are taking her there I guess you are giving the JWs some credit in her eyes, so she may start thinking the religion is ok and the fault is somewhere with you.


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