I hope this memorial doesnt backfire ...........

by fleaman uk 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Well,ive decided to go tomorrow night after all.Not to my local Cong but another one in the City where i have a very good Friend and a few distant Family members.I dont agree with much of the Orgs teachings or promotions,but i do believe in jesus and really just have a very,very powerful urge to pay my respects to him.

    I have been telling my "worldly"girlfriend about the religion and naturally,she is quite interested as this was part of my life since an early Age.

    Blow me down she really wants to come with me!So when she walks into the hall tomorrow and gets a very warm welcome it will possibly shock her,after some of the stranger stories i have told her about the faith(vague stories including no Xmas,disfellowshipping,no after school activities etc).i have told her that the welcome she receives will be warm and imho genuine too.She is quite a spiritual Person anyway and will enjoy the occasion.

    My worry would be that she will enjoy it too much and go to a follow up.It is quite probable.She has never had anything to do with JW,s before, till going out with yours truly .

    I,m interested in your comments?

    Thanks for listening


  • diamondblue1974

    If thats what you want; both of you go for it, cant see the rationale behind going personally but then again, each to our own and live and let live.

    Good luck


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    Thanks DB.Appreciate the comment.

    I should also add that im a fader for 2 Years now but went last year too.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    fleaman uk

    Won't be going myself - been to 40 already. I would worry about setting your girl up for a whirlwind romance with the borg though - you might be so much chaff in the wind if she swallows the full party line - at least give her a fighting chance - buy her CoC and let her read it


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Go buy a good bottle of red, some wholemeal flour, do some baking, and celebrate it in your own home, in candlelight, with your girlfriend.

    It won't backfire.

  • kwintestal

    You gonna partake?

    This is actually the first year that I won't be going. I haven't even recieved an invite yet? No dissappointment though. I really don't think that going or not going will be a big deal for me. I went last year very much for the same reason, but I made it clear to anyone that knew I was there the reason I went was for the event and not because I still believed the JW's so there wasn't anyone saying, "Oh look at Kwintestal at the memorial. He must still believe if he is here!"


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Warn her about the love-bombing.


  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    thanks for the replies...the thought of our own "do"with Wine and Bread really appeals i must admit........

    Jeffs point about being chaff in the Wind (ie me)got me thinking...i imagine its happened lots of times before...

    Kwin.No i wont be partaking..but will have a few Beers when i get in!Lol.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    I have told her to expect a warm welcome.imo the term love bombing is a little sinister.I believe that the welcome she gets (and me for that matter)will be a genuine one.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Never mind the beers.

    Jesus told you to drink the wine.

    The WTBTS told you not to.

    Drink the wine.

    Eat the bread.

    Lightning doesn't come out of the sky and kill you, or I would be dead meat.

    Who do you trust?

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