Are you "Spiritually Sick"???

by JH 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • codeblue

    I am not "spiritually sick"....I am "spiritually awake".

  • Mastodon

    Meetings make ME SICK...spiritually and otherwise.

    That's why I stopped going to them.

  • Bryan

    Blondie is correct. No regular JW Food, no regular mind conditioning. Therefore you become spiritually ill (free thinking) and will be prone to leave their Organization and they loose out on your financial support.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • willyloman

    Wow! In a thread already filled with terrific posts, this stands out:

    They are way off base in using the term "spiritual" to define someone who devotes a lot of energy to the org. In fact, the people who devote the most to the cult are the emptiest...
  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    tell them that you are fasting


    JH: " I don't see any elder losing sleep because of me."

    I am sure that most of them don't. Sad but true, and this is what the elder arrangement is a sham.

  • mzsweetz

    is anyone here really abinding by the bible to love ones neighbor?

    please answer, why all the hatred.. are all of you pre jw's??

    and if so, what was so bad that you quit?

    as far as i can see and know.. jw's follow the bible to a T, and they are the only ones who have answered all of my questions using the scriptures to explain scriptures.... you all dont have enough proof to change me....

    you are all spiritually weak, and when you all see the Great Tribulation

    it will be "just like in NOah's day"

  • gumby


    you all dont have enough proof to change me....

    Don't you mean....."I've never considered the proof you all claim you have"?

    We have plenty of's just that many are too chickenshit to consider the proof.


  • TheListener

    MzSweetz if there's a subject you'd like to actually discuss start a topic. Commenting randomly on various threads about lack of proof is insulting. Tell us what proof you've seen and how or why you don't agree with it. It is nice to be able to have a discussion of a subject and still not agree at the end.

  • ButtLight


    your not "spiritually sick" your just plain old SICK! LOL JK

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