
by Lehaa 23 Replies latest social relationships

  • the_classicist
    I'm not going, and the hounds of hell couldn't drag me there either.

    Oh!, you mean the elders, don't you?

  • mamochan13

    not going. do not intend to ever go again. Why would I? To add to the numbers of "interested" people the WBTS will proudly display in their totals next March? To give my family false hope that I still feel a need to attend what they consider the most important night of the year? To give them reason to think I might come back someday? my children have thanked me for freeing them by taking the lead in leaving - I would rather give them a good example by staying true to the whole, healthy, sane person I've now become.

  • mamochan13

    But Lehaa, I should add that I really struggled with non-attendance for several years, so I understand how difficult it can be for you, particularly with that kind of pressure from family.

  • MM090503

    I just had a conversation with my bf about going. (i'm not jw, hes a wannabe and i'm satan!!) I went last year with him because I was nieve and had no clue what was going on. After I found out their reasoning behind all of it I thought it was really gay and did not make sense. My bf and I have been working on "religion" because he knows I can't stand any Jw thing. He had the nerve to tell me he wanted to go tomorrow. I got really upset about it and eventually he told me he wouldn't go. His dad is going to be pissed!

    I like to point out, that this memorial thing, should be celebrated more than once a year. We are not out of the covenant. The bible even says to celebreat Jesus' death all the time. It really gets me they don't celebrate it more. it's like they forget all about the real reason and focus on other things until this time of year.-I don't know much, but that is my point of view on it

  • Spook

    I'm going because it's the last meeting I'm going to attend.

  • Pwned

    no i'm not, i dont want to give my family any false hope, plus its numbingly boring and i'd rather watch march madness or an infommercial for that matter.

  • Pwned

    By the way i have to agree with Skully. why does he lay the blame on you when they are the ones shunning you?

  • moanzy

    I'm not going because they would all be appauled if I went anyway. I think I will stay home and cook a nice Turkey with all the fixings for my family and I KNOW Jesus knows the predicament I am in and will understand my not participating in it.


  • freedom96

    Not going to the memorial.... but I will be attending Easter services on Sunday.

  • alw

    im with scully 100%, i see that e mail as one big guilt trip.however i dont have the pressures you have as we now have no family at all in the borg, so i do sympathise with your predicament.

    tonight is the first mem. we have not attended in 22 years, and i now dont feel any guilt or sadness.

    jws will celebrate jesus tonight, tomorrow they will be back to back biting, lieing, shunning,manipulating scriptures to fit their dates etc. christian? dont think so!

    i do hope you enjoy the reunion with your family though. mr.alw

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