Did anyone applaud the release of the OD book at YOUR hall?

by proplog2 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 95stormfront

    I think I have one of the older books from back in the day when I was in the "school". I kinda wished my wife would've went to the meeting and got one of those books so that I could take a look see.

  • proplog2

    The official Code for the new book is OD. The old book was OM

    Surprised some applauded and some didn't.

  • bonnzo

    most everybody but me(and my wife-i need to find out why) i dont applaud AFTER the assemblies either, nor do i applaud while ALL the baptism candidates leave the auditorium. actually i only want to applaud after every meeting ends so i can go home!

  • Kendal

    Hi all - our Watchtower went overtime yesterday, so i thought they werent going to mention anything - but there was a 5minute speech & the announcement of the book - the brother held it up and I thought he was holding up the old OM book at first....

    Was there any gasps of delight - no, Was there a hint of a thanks or clap? - no

    Was there a mad rush to the back - only your usual numptees formed a queue - our literature servant had vanished so it was a free for all...

    People generally weren't that bothered or in a rush to get the book....rather surreal...

    To echo other comments about why this book released was released on a sunday, its true that meeting attendance has dropped throo the floor....I thought it was the CO visit yesterday cos the hall was packed cos of the "special" announcement. Over the last few months we've had around 80-90 at the talk whereas in the past it used to be 130 upwards. Yesterday it was 120. Next Thursday (memorial) it will be packed and then I'd expect by early April it will be back to the usual low turnouts.

    Can anyone answer these 2 questions:

    1) It felt good knowing in advance what was actuallly going to be announced (having kept an eye on these forums). How do people on the forums find out so much info in advance?

    2) This thread is talking about a meltdown of the organization - does anyone have any inside info on panic within HQ or GB?


  • TheListener

    Just for info.

    There was no applauding or gasping at our hall. There was no long literature counter line. People did pick the book up they just did it casually as opposed to forming one big conga line (sung to the conga tune - "we're gonna get our book now; we're gonna get our book now!").

    I expected more emotion from the congregation than I actually saw. Made me feel happy inside to see the cong. frozen in silence. I can just imagine what was running through their minds. "What, another book on organization!! I haven't read the last one yet!!" "I thought that was only for elders!!" "I hope I don't drop it in the toilet while I'm reading it!"

  • Bryan


    I don't know. I was trying to remember when they had special talk, or have they had it? I was so surprised that a book that is only for witnesses would be released on a Sunday and not during Ministry School/Service meeting. Its not really something the public needs to be privvy to. What's your thoughts on that?

    I agree with the most honorable Blonde One. You would think Sunday would be a more public day, it was probably easier to get the people there on the weekend.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    The applause wasn't strong and heartfelt as I think it should've been. I guess the R&F wasn't that happy with another book. Too many farging books already!

    Mine and my hubby's applause was similar to the one of a bored out of his mind teenager.


  • ChileanRick

    No applauses at my congregation. No comments, but the money the congregation received in the donations box was too much. I think the real reason for the WT published this new book was to get more money.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I think they must've published it to cover themselves in some legal ground. Nothing more.


  • TheOldHippie

    Short, low applause. Large attendance. All books grabbed and gone within 3 minutes. Have to order more ones.

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