Did anyone applaud the release of the OD book at YOUR hall?

by proplog2 35 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cruzanheart

    My [almost ex-]JW friend asked me the other day "what's the big announcement on Sunday? I figured you'd know because of that web site." I told her, printed out one of the threads on the subject so she could read it, we had a good laugh, and she said, "oh good, I didn't want to cut my weekend out of town short to get to the meeting."


  • Tidefan

    Big, thunderous applause at our hall.

  • Carmel

    ummmm ... guess I forgot to go.. now what?


  • PopeOfEruke

    welcome to the forum..


  • jgnat

    No gasps of adoration or thunderous applause. No rushes to the book counter. The speaker started out with a rousing description of the "thousands" of human-led organizations that can't hold a candle to their unique group. He noted that chapter 14 included a "simplification" of the Disfellowshipping announcement.


  • Bryan


    What do you think about the timing ???

    The timing is very important. I promise you the timing of release was discussed for days if not weeks before the date was set. So what does it mean?


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • purplesofa


    So what does it mean?

    I don't know. I was trying to remember when they had special talk, or have they had it? I was so surprised that a book that is only for witnesses would be released on a Sunday and not during Ministry School/Service meeting. Its not really something the public needs to be privvy to. What's your thoughts on that?

  • blondie

    The Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting are the most poorly attended meetings...Sunday is better but not good.

  • purplesofa
    The Theocratic Ministry School and the Service Meeting are the most poorly attended meetings...


    I thought of that too. some of the stuff in the book is already being done. Like book study conductor being changed to overseer. I think they realized they were tardy in getting the book out. Otherwise they would have waited till convention or an assembly. I don't know.......There was such hype about everyone all over the globe getting it at the same time. I know at a JW site I am still at, the administrators sent a special Email asking all those getting the news of what was going on today, (some thought it was just an annoucement) not to post till everyone was able to get the info from thier own congregations. As not to ruin the surprise!

    I don't really know what they think. I am glad you brought to our attention about turning in time as I have not turned in time for 3 months and soon will be considered inactive.


  • stillajwexelder

    WTF is the OD book?

    It is a typo - they meant OM - but that was old book OD could mean Over Dose - over dose on crap that is

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