The Proof!!!!: The Use of Explosives on 911 at the World Trade Center Compl

by Ianone 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ianone

    New Video Analysis from Alex Jones, Absolute PROOF of WTC Explosives, YOU MUST WATCH THIS!

    The Proof!!!!: The Use of Explosives on 911 at the World Trade Center Complex

  • Elsewhere

    I don't get it... what's the fuss all about?

    A few of the surrounding buildings were severely damaged by the collapse of the two towers, and for safety reasons the damaged buildings were demolished in a controlled manner.

    I see no conspiracy... I see common sense and safety being used.

    No one tried to cover up this fact. The officials who did this informed the press what was going to happen, evacuated the area, and then brought the buildings down with explosives.

  • qwerty

    I see what you're saying Else (the storker returns- LOL), I agree. But what about the towers coming down like that, explosives must have been planted! Q

  • rwagoner

    It must have been the Roswell spacecraft launched from the grassy knoll after the abduction and probing....MMmmmm probing.....D'oh

  • qwerty

    New world Order- It's those Masons agin!

  • Golf
  • Golf
  • MegaDude

    Where can I buy a tin foil hat to keep the government from reading my thoughts?

  • Elsewhere
    But what about the towers coming down like that, explosives must have been planted! Q

    Regarding the two towers? explosives are not needed to make a building fall straight down. Once a building's load bearing members fail, gravity takes over and the structure falls straight down.

    If you are wondering why the structures did not tip over sideways, this is because buildings that large are not designed to support a "tipping" load. Assuming you were strong enough to grab a building and hold it sideways instead up straight up, the building would fail and collapse straight down the instant you tried to tip it over. They just cannot handle that kind of a load. They are designed for one thing: Hold the building straight up ? nothing else.

  • Valis

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