Can JWs trim their nose hair?

by roykaye 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • dunsscot

    Dear Roy,

    :Dear Dunce Scot
    Thanks for your 'suggestions' and for parsing the first two paragraphs. But this a a case of semantic pedantism up with which i will not put.
    PS: Are you ex-Writing Committee?:

    LOL! I was never on the writing committee, but Dunsscot is one anal-ytic philosopha.

    Dan :-)

    Duns the Scot

  • Tanalyst

    Thanks for the new lite.

    Reminds me when a new Bethelite just met Max Larson (had wild eyebrows) for the first time,he said,"At least back home in Texas we trim our mules."

  • SlayerLayer

    I have to come clean with you guys. When you asked why I was disfellowshipped, I told you that it was for smoking. This is not the truth. I didn't pick up the habit until after I was d'fd. I'm sorry for the deception, but until now, I didn't feel comfortable with telling the truth. After reading so many kind understanding posts on this subject, I am no longer ashamed.

    It was a Sunday afternoon. We were the host family. My wife had prepared a wonderful dinner for the speaker. before we sat down to eat, I went to the restroom to wash my hands. While I stood there, I looked into the mirror and noticed how unsightly my nose hairs actually were. I had never really thought about it before. But for some reason, this day I was curious.

    I opened the medicine chest, and found a pair of scissors. I stood there for a short while contemplating how I would do it.

    At first, I felt dirty and ashamed. But as I gazed at my new self in the mirror, I realized that I was free. I was free from the unsightly hairs that had just minutes before protruded from my nasal passages. Then it happened...

    I guess I had been in the bathroom for quite a while. (I had a lot of nose hair) Suddenly, and without warning, the door opened. It was the visiting elder that my wife had so lovingly prepared a meal for. The look on his face was priceless.

    That Thursday night, Brother Elder aproached me, and said that the elders wanted to talk with me. I knew at that moment that my life would change forever.

    As I sat in the "B" school waiting for the last elder to come into the room, The gazes of the other 3 elders were almost unbearable. But I knew that I had finaly found out the truth about the "truth". I was free, and I was going to make them understand what freedom really felt like.

    After several scriptures were read, they asked me what my feelings were on the matter. I think that they thought that I was going to beg for forgiveness, and show true repentance. Boy were they wrong. I had spent the last couple of days researching nose hair on the internet. I had talk with several people from message boards about the subject. I was ready.

    I quoted to them from several sources. was the clencher. I barely got to the part about how friends and family feel uncomfortable with telling you about nose hair problems, when they interupted me with "It's clear that you have made up your mind about trimming nose hair." They read a couple of more scriptures and blah blah blah. You know the rest.

    I've never been so happy and free in my life! I only trim my nose hair in the privacy of my home. Usualy late at night, after my wife has gone to sleep, or if she has a "headache". Nose hair trimming can be fun! There are so many websites out there to trim your nose hair to! I've even got a small collection of nose hair trimming videos, for those nights when the wife has that "headache"

    I feel so much better now that I've come clean with you guys. I'm not ashamed anymore!


  • Thirdson

    I am sorry but due to the latest advances in medical science I have another question regarding mis-use of nasal hair. Would it be OK for a Christian to have nasal hair (not trimed and spilled on the floor) but surgically transplanted to his head to make up for a receding hairline? Some Christians may regard this as acceptable seeing that the hair is not stored for long periods but is quickly recycled and implanted in empty hair folicles. While a transplant of someone else's hair may be regarded as cannibalism what is the Bible's view of transplanted nasal hair for medical (and mainly cosmetic) use?

    Awake Reader

    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • SlayerLayer


    We are not to eat hair. Do you not remove a hair found in your food? How detestable if the hair you found in your dinner belonged to someone else! Therefore, since we do not eat hair, one must logicaly conclude that we wouldn't transplant hair either! As true christians, we would let our family members go bald before we accepted a hair transplant.


  • Billygoat

    Bwahahaha! This was classic! I loved it. I really though that nose hair was okay as long as it wasn't touching the collar of a brother's shirt.


  • Thirdson


    What about major and minor fractions of nasal hair? If the keratin was first extracted from the hair and then formed into artifical hair substitute it would be very similar to but not the same as real nasal hair. While it would, evidently, be wrong for Christians to donate bald-saving hair, receiving such minor fractions must surely be a matter of conscience.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • larc

    Brother Thirdson,

    I am glad that you brought up the subject of nose hair fractions, and I agree with you, this should be a matter of conscience. At my stage in life, most of my nose hair is grey, so if I were to have a hair transfusion to my head, I would only choose the small fraction of my nose hairs that are still black.

    I am glad for a place like this where we can discuse the deep things of God.

  • Scorpion


  • SlayerLayer

    You make an interesting point Thirdson. I've done a little research and found this:

    I do believe that as long as we only use a hair fraction, that it may be left to our conscience. Of course, while this may be a conscience matter, we would want to weigh our decision very carefully. Prayer to our loving father Jehovah, should guide you in your decision.

    SlayerLayer---God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the snowy mountains and I had to eat him.

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