It was surreal. Your impressions of the "Monthly Awake!" service meeting?

by ezekiel3 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ezekiel3

    At our service meeting the conductor of "More Emphasis on the Bible!" (the March Kingdom Ministry article discussing the monthly Awake!) routinely asked the questions, comments were read from the paragraph and there was a rediculous emphasis on the scriptures cited, even to the point that WT references were given that had nothing to do with the subject. About 50% of the time was spend on analyzing the scriptures with no correlation to the Awake!

    Even though there was no mention of the "real reasons" for going to monthly publishing in the KM, some elders made comments regarding how this will make the translation and shipping costs easier on headquarters.

    This, combined with the hardline announcement, "do not circulate or download these [unauthorized kingdom song] recordings from the Internet," made the whole service meeting a bit surreal.

    The turkeys looked like they were beginning to drown in the rain.

  • stillajwexelder

    we have not had the meeting yet in our congregation

  • IP_SEC

    I got that part tomorrow, any suggestions on some sly things to say?

  • blondie

    I don't go any more and this wasn't enough to tempt me to go for just one.

    If they ever announce that the WT will go to one a month, I might consider it.


  • Neo

    Thanks for the update! It's funny how they try to deal with their own cognitive dissonance.

    there was a rediculous emphasis on the scriptures cited, even to the point that WT references were given that had nothing to do with the subject.

    What were these WT references all about?


  • Neo

    Read more about the Awake going once a month (including the KM article) in the thread WTS Official Spin on monthly Awake: 'More emphasis on the Bible!'

  • ezekiel3

    Neo: The the scriptures most emphasized (hmm...maybe that's what the conductor was doing in advance of the new Awake?) were from Zeph 2:3. He actually referenced the WT 2/15/01 and said to write it down in the margin of the Bible. I almost laughed out loud when a sister commented "could you repeat that reference please?"

    IP: I would recommend you ask:

    • How do you think this is "food at the proper time?"
    • How do you think the organisation will benefit from this?

    Essentially viewpoint questions. The elders who gave the cost cutting comments had high-level Bethel connections by the way. I don't think they were fooled at all by the "More emphasis on the Bible" concept.

  • blondie

    IP, ask this:

    "If there is only going to be one issue of the Awake each month, will they be printing the same number of each month so we have an Awake to go with the Watchtower in field service? If I order 5 Watchtowers of each issue each month, should I order 10 issues of that one Awake?"


    Changes in WTS Publishing

    1990--Donation arrangement

    ????--Soft covers on books

    1995--change in Awake mission statement to reflect change in "generation" understanding

    2000--Max Larson listed as President on page 4 of Awake (WBTS of NY only)

    2002--End of subscriptions

    2005--Awake printed once monthly in all languages

  • confusedjw
    The turkeys looked like they were beginning to drown in the rain.

    HA HA HA

    IP_SEC - you still go to meetings and give parts! Are you an elder or ms?

  • Honesty
    I got that part tomorrow, any suggestions on some sly things to say?

    I would save the sly things for the public talk you interject the truth about the truth when you annonce that you ain't gonna take the WT shyte anymore

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