Was it worth meeting with the judicial committee?

by 24k 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • bull01lay

    My JC was a complete surprise to me - the elders asked if I could meet to talk with them, and lo and behold, it was a JC. Not once was I asked about my feelings - was I ok, did I need any help - all they kept asking was am I going back to my wife. They had already made up their mind that I was going to be disfellowshipped. My parting comments didn't help when I told them to go f*ck themselves!!!

    I did have an appeal hearing, at which point I got to give them my side of the situation... and they sat and nodded attentively.... then said "We're not here to reverse the decision the other elders made". I asked them why they'd wasted my time, and what the f*ck was the point of an appeal committee that did nothing.


  • GetBusyLiving

    Bull, you told them to go f**k themselves and then you called an appeal hearing?

  • DocHayes

    I didn't give them the benefit. I submitted my "I Quit" letter, without a meeting. I think thats the best way. Give them a surprise. I quit so suddenly I still have the keys to the Kingdom Hall on my key chain.

  • bull01lay


    Yep - I put it down to undue stress caused by not being forwarned of the judicial committee - also stating that I felt it was a firing squad, with disfellowshipping on the agenda. (I spoke with an elder that had known me for years, and he arranged the appeal committee for me - he knew that such "outbursts" were very out of character for me

    I'd do it all again just to see the look on their faces !!


  • Carmel

    I'm glad I told them to stuff it! Would do the same thing again with more pizzaz!


  • Frog

    Hello there, this is an important issues so I suggest you try to avoid the situation until you know for a certainty whether or not you really feel it's necessary to go through their judicial process. My intial thoughts were to avoid it and I did for 18months or so, but then it all caught up with me and I had a bit of a breakdown. I met with the elders and was subsequently disfellowshipped, since then its all been up for me. I don't think I had proper closure on the matter until my family knew for a certainty where I stood on the matter. But it is a very personal decission, and wait until your time is right:-)

    All the very best to you, luv frog

  • Narkissos

    As there seems to be very strong opinions on this subject here, let me make clear that I did not advocate going to a JC: I just stated what I did.

    I should have added it was in 1986 and I was a pioneer. Since my early teens the organisation had been my world, there was no Internet, I had no contact with anyone outside, and so my JC was the end of the story as far as I could figure it. What would follow I had really no idea. The circumstances for most (still) JWs who post here are quite different then.

  • MissMelly

    I never did that when I get disfellowshipped! Is that a requirement? I just heard from my mother ,during the time it happened, that they announced my disfellowshipping at the hall ,no meeting, no nothing.

  • toreador

    What is a PDA?

  • catchthis

    Personal Digital Assistant. Comparable to a Palm Pilot. Most pda's run some version of Microsoft's Mobile Windows. A very very small tablet type PC.

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