Other than Ray Franz - who is the "highest level" JW to leave? Know any?

by confusedjw 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minimus

    Did Paul Johnson come on after JWs were instituted? I thought he was Russell/ Rutherford before JWs.

  • Swan

    Oops! My mistake. They left the UN, not the UN leaving the JWs.


  • blondie

    So we're going to quibble, only people who left from 1931 onward. Many "elders" left in 1932 and 1938 with the Rutherford adjustments.

  • minimus

    No quibble here. If you include Johnson, you'd have to include most of the writers and influential people of Pastor Russell's time.

  • Oroborus21

    Olin Moyle was WT chief Counsel and defended it in many cases....

    Hayden Covington, was a one-time WTS Vice President and member of Board of Directors. It is assumed that he became disenchanted with the Society and butted heads with the President and so returned home to Texas. he may have been DF'd (unofficially) and shunned for a while but reportedly he "returned" at he end of his life and died faithful, having a Witness conduct his funeral.


    PS: I didn't see anyone mention former GB members Greenlees and Chitty or former Canadian Branch Overseear Walter Salter.

  • IP_SEC

    Hey on covington, I heard he was wrongly df'd for drunkeness. He had a stroke or something like that which made him act as though drunk and was df'd for that. Is that true or just legend?


  • blondie
    include most of the writers and influential people of Pastor Russell's time.

    only the ones that left the WTS....or were kicked out

    Not people such as William E Van Amburgh (The Way to Paradise--1925) and Clayton Woodworth (Golden Age-Consolation editor) who stayed.

    Only 4 directors were booted.

  • minimus

    I believe MOST of the people that were with CTR defected within a few years.

  • blondie

    Eduardo, I mentioned Walter Salter. Hayden Covington was reinstated and died in "good standing." Although Chitty and Greenlees had checkered careers in the WTS they were not DF'd and did not leave the organization as far as I know.

    Chitty and Greenlees were not disfellowshipped (excommunicated) but allowed to stay members in good standing although given other assignments, another parallel to what has happened in the Catholic community in similar situations.



    In 1921 and 1922, Ewald Vorsteher from Wuppertal-Barmen was a fellow worker at the branch office of the Watch Tower Society in Barmen. In 1923, he was disfellowshipped or excommunicated for having conscientiously refused to follow the religious and political dictates of Judge J. F. Rutherford, the Watch Tower's American president. Others gathered around him, calling themselves 'Friends of Truth'.
  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Does anybody here really know who Maximus was? I know allegedly he was a District Overseer...

    I don't know that I'd call D.O. a 'high level' JW rank, more of a middle manager type.

    I myself was a former Gilead Instructor, and I was responsible for the Awake! crossword puzzles...

    No Apologies

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