by marked 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Relax everyone!!!

    I've got everything under control!!!

  • Mamacat

    The reason I remember was that Gargamel was the Devil, and he was bad because he mixed potions and spells. I really liked that show too. My mom threw our Smurf glasses and my Smurf underwear away when we got home from the meeting one day. There were also stories of the dolls coming to life, etc.

  • Bryan

    When I married in 1982, I burned my wife's Smurf in the back yard. I was amazed at how quickly it went up in smoke. I expected it to take for ever as I wouldn't be able to catch it, to keep a good flame on it.

    Seriously, it's amazing the fear I had as I prepared to burn this stupid, stuffed, blue, thing. Looking back I feel like such an idiot.

    You all know where I learned this fear.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • JAVA

    Elsewhere -- that's way too funny! In the mid-1980's I wasn't attending meetings, and didn't know about the crazy Smurf ideas floating around in the JW community. However, my spouse was active and because upset when I gave my young daugher a Smurf. When I was away on a business trip for a few days, my spouse burned the Smurt because she was sure it was bringing demons into the house! The good old days . . . :-)

  • TheEdge

    Lol - I always wondered this too, as I never experienced it first-hand. Found this, made me chuckle -


    Anyone know what the thinking on HARRY POTTER is??? lol

  • integ

    I heard that a smurf slowly walked out of the mens' restroom at a kingdom hall, and quietly took a seat and started looking up scriptures, then abruptly, and without cause or provocation, slowly walked toward the podium, wherein the speaker stopped in midsentance and told the smurf pointedly; "get the hell outta here!" Then the smurf said ; 'f-you buddy ' . Then the smurf ran up to the speaker and bit his crotch. The speaker started screaming in agony till the smurf finally let go. But not before taking a piece of the hapless speakers pants with him. As the smurf was walking back down the aisle, he started flipping off everybody, with a scowl on his face, and the fabric from the speakers pants still clenched tightly between his little smurf teeth. The smurf then turned around and ran at full speed toward the stage, spit the fabric out of his mouth, and started mercilessly kicking the fallen speaker in the groin. The smurf then grapped the microphone and attempted to give an impromptu bible reading, when the attendants finally decided to join the fray. The attendants were unable to grab the elusive smurf, who proceeded to run out of the hall. But not before stopping in the library to call for a taxi ride "home". Five minutes later, a carload of apostates came by and picked him up. The hall was never the same after that.


  • M.J.

    From what I remember, demonic smurf stories were all the rage amongst the general Mexican population back then. Not being a dub, I never knew it had any connotation with dub-dom.

  • marked

    From: http://www.cuttingedge.org/ce1021.html

    * SMURFS

    Most of us think of the Smurfs as cute, harmless little blue and white aliens. However, the story line is full of occultism. Papa Smurf is cast in the role of a "White" Witchdoctor who is protecting his people by incantations and rituals and potions. Gargamel is cast in the role of the "Black" or evil witchdoctor who is always trying to cast some evil spell over the poor, helpless Smurfs so he can control them forever. In one cartoon screen several years ago, Gargamel is shown creating a Devil's Pentagram from lighted candles on the dirt floor of his house. Gargamel moved inside the Pentagram and carried out a ritual designed to defeat Papa Smurf and the little Smurfs. Your children have probably watched this most Satanic cartoon.

    Of course, the same website also claims that My Little Pony sets kids up to accept the Antichrist, so...

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