What is it all about? This life.

by dh 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • dh

    Do you ever have those days, weeks, months, or even years where you just feel like your entire existence is completely pointless, when time has shot by and you feel like you have done none of the things that you set out to do so many years prior. When you feel like you have been standing still forever.

    You work your routine and live your life, maybe have some friends, but when you go to sleep at night you still feel like there is nothing, no point or reason or meaning for any of it, like life is a void, and all your actions, feelings and everything about you is simply designed to distract you from the fact that there is nothing, and if you're lucky you're so distracted that you never notice it at all. It's like some insane cylce and you can never break it, no matter what you do or how you try. You get your shot, then it's over. You're forgotten and like all things disappear into obscurity. Like you never existed at all.

    What is it... this life? Are there any answers or is it just a journey?

  • DanTheMan

    It does seem rather pointless and absurd, when you stop and think about it.

  • FMZ

    Don't ask us mate.

    Ask yourself.


  • dh
    Don't ask us mate.

    Ask yourself.

    I wasn't asking for anyone to tell me what it is about for me, just for their thoughts on what they think it is about for them.

  • FMZ

    K... well, since you asked ;)... hehe

    For me life is a journey. Every day, every event that happens, I view as a learning experience. I constantly try to improve myself, to make myself a better and more caring person.

    Taking up this point of view was a major part in overcoming the depression I have suffered from all my life. It makes every event (even the normal, every day ones) into something I can use to challenge myself.


  • mtbatoon

    Yep that's my take on life. In the big scheme of things I'm going to effect so few people that there's not much point trying. Little cogs with built in redundancy is all most of us ever manage to be. The only reason I've ever come up with is doing it all so the next generation gets a step up the ladder in helping make there pointless life a little bit more bearable, and for what? So they can do the same for there kids. Do I think there's some ultimate goal? No.

    On the other hand though there's plenty of those so called pleasures of the flesh to take your mind of your worries and feelings of worthlessness. Maybe it's best to look at it in two sections. Personal existence and social existence.

  • JamesThomas

    Past and future are abstracts, the reality of Life being only in this moment. How much clear attention is placed right here, right now?

    Generally the mind weaves a conceptual reality out of past interpretations based on other past interpretations. The mind busily spends all it's currency creating an identity out of this lifeless patchwork fabric; and often has no attention left to actually be present in this moment of Life and beingness.

    It is common to die, having never lived.


  • the_classicist

    It's not a journey, its a trip.

  • berylblue

    I live in the moment as best I can. I don't pay much attention to things of little consequence. And I no longer waste my time wondering if I am going to die at Armegeddon. Whether there will be an Armegeddon or not, I don't know. I only know I refuse to live the way I did as a JW, living only for the day I will inevitably die because I wasn't good enough to live forever.

    Fact is, I'm more than good enough. I wish I hadn't bought into all the bull which cost me over 10 years of my life. But I can't change it, and don't waste my time living with regret.

    Life is to be lived and enjoyed. I could have a heart attack tomorrow, or be hit by a bus. I really don't want to spend the last moments of my life regretting the manner in which I lived it. My house is never really clean; I do what amuses me instead of what will impress others. I don't have much money, but what I do have, I spend to make both my life and the lives of friends, family, and even strangers, a little brighter. If there's a God waiting to kill me for any or all of this, as far as I'm concerned, he can knock himself out doing so. I am through living my life in fear. I am beginning to have a blast.

    Life is good. An existence is never pointless if one is happy.
    And I am.

  • Dustin

    Here's a song I wrote about that, shortly after I left the organization. It's kind of evil and has some swearing but I figured I would share it with you. I'm thinking about using it with the rockband I'm working with. I was pretty depressed when I wrote it, I really felt betrayed by the organization and God himself for such lies being allowed to be taught. But although I'm a little hesitant to share here it is.

    Sometimes along this road we?re left for dead

    Buried and broken we make our bed



    Never will I repent

    Never will I fucking repent

    This life isn?t what it was meant to be

    I wasted what should have been

    Can?t I just live this life again?

    Alone I break

    And for what?

    I thought God gave a fuck




    This life isn?t what it was meant to be

    I wasted what should have been

    Can?t I just live this life again?



    This is what I?ve come to be

    My heart is tattooed with misery

    I?m no longer who I once was

    I?m no longer who I once was

    Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAH

    This life isn?t what it was meant to be

    I fucking wasted what should have been

    Can?t I just live this life again?

    I want this life over again




    There she is, my thoughts and feelings on this life after I left the organization.


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