My mom was just rushed to the Hospital....

by rwagoner 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • rwagoner

    and you know how I know.....

    Not because my dad called me or anthing like that....

    Thanks to years of working in Law Enforcement/Public Safety I'm pretty nosey and have a "scanner" in my house that monitors Police, Fire and Ambulance calls.

    Just heard the ambulance go to my parents house because my mother wasn't breathing properly....

    She has renal failure and must go to kidney dialysis 3 times a week. Sometimes for no reason her body simply stops processing fluids and she "fills up" and basically begins to drown from the inside.

    I can only assume that this is the case tonight....of course nowdays hospitals wont tell you anything without the patients permission.....

    Keep her in your thoughts....she may shun me but I can't help but worry about her....

  • candidlynuts

    i'm glad you have the scanner! at least your halfway informed.

    you and she are in my prayers and thoughts.

  • MerryMagdalene

    Love, prayers and lots of good thoughts for all of you!!! (((rwagoner)))


  • FlyingHighNow
    and you know how I know.....

    Not because my dad called me or anthing like that....

    Thanks to years of working in Law Enforcement/Public Safety I'm pretty nosey and have a "scanner" in my house that monitors Police, Fire and Ambulance calls.

    This is sadly very bizarre. I'd send flowers to her with a card in your handwriting that says: Love from anonymous. I'll send positive thoughts and vibes for you and your parents.

  • rwagoner

    Thanks everyone....

    I know that I'm usually the jerk on most posts but it does mean a lot to know that you are thinking of her...and me too. Thanks again.


    I'd send flowers to her with a card in your handwriting that says: Love from anonymous.

    Once the dust settles and I can find out how everything is (I have a few connections - LOL) I think that is a great idea. Sort of a way to say "I care about you, even if you didn't care enough to call"....Thanks

  • rwagoner

    After a little snoopin...found out they got her breathing again...taking off a lot of fluid....hopefully won't have to stay in the hosp for too long this time....have to wait and see.

  • orbison11

    i do hope you mom is ok....that can be a difficult place to be for both of you

    it is very interesting as to the info you can get on a scanner, i have one at home and work

    take care


  • Wolfgirl

    I know what you're feeling. My family won't tell me when my gran has major strokes. I find out from her friends or my grandfather. (My grandparents aren't JWs. They live in the US.)

    I would send her flowers or show up anyway. Show them what love really means. Maybe next time, they'll tell you.

  • prophesariah


    My prayers and thoughts are for your mom, you, and your family. May she be fully recovered soon.


  • blondie

    Sorry, to hear about your mother, rwagoner.

    It's interesting that some JWs apply the no-contact rule (DF/DA) to not telling family members important family business such as going to the hospital.


    w81 9/15 p. 29 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***
    The second situation that we need to consider is that involving a disfellowshiped or disassociated relative who is not in the immediate family circle or living at one?s home. Such a person is still related by blood or marriage, and so there may be some limited need to care for necessary family matters.


    w83 1/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***
    Of course, the grandparents have to determine if some necessary family matters require limited contact with the disfellowshipped children.

    *** w89 9/15 p. 24 Be Obedient to Those Taking the Lead ***

    But how would you act if one of your relatives was disfellowshipped? While there might be a need for limited contact to care for family matters, all spiritual association with the disfellowshipped relative would have to be cut off.

    I have known many JWs to apply this to money matters where legally the DF/DA person's participation is required. No participation, then the JW loses out monetarily. But then we know how important money is to some JWs.

    Love, Blondie.

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