Arrest Warrent for Michael Jackson

by the_classicist 18 Replies latest social current

  • dh

    Not to be the one to defend wacko, but who's life has he ruined? Will their life still be ruined if he pays them millions? Did that kid who he paid off back in the 90's have his life ruined? I think he must have a pretty good life now living off the millions jacko gave him. Go wacko. He will kill himself in the end anyway.

  • upside/down
    He will kill himself in the end anyway.

    I just this morning told my kids the same thing. How sad. But I think you're right!


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Give MJ twenty years sleeping with older & bolder men in a Federal Max cell. He will quickly learn what is right and what is wrong. Just my opinion, I could be wrong--LMAO

  • freedom96

    I too have wondered if Jackson would kill himself.

    The family accusing him this time said earlier that they don't want money. However, the first person they went to with this story was the same exact lawyer that the kid from 1993 used.

    They are absolutely going for the money. Even if he walks, they will sue him in a civil court, just wait and see.

    I sure hope Jackson did not do what he is accused of, but I don't like the accuser family one bit. There is just no question that they are after the money.

  • bikerchic

    dh says:

    Not to be the one to defend wacko, but who's life has he ruined? Will their life still be ruined if he pays them millions? Did that kid who he paid off back in the 90's have his life ruined? I think he must have a pretty good life now living off the millions jacko gave him. Go wacko. He will kill himself in the end anyway.

    What planet do you live on dh? Obviously you've never been molested, good for you! But IF Michael Jackson did molest those children their lives have been forever scared. Many people never fully recover from such soul murdering. I am sure that any child who has ever been molested would tell you there is no amount of money that can buy back their innocence and give them back what all children are entitled to have which is their pure innocence and the chance to grow up without having it taken from them in such a horrible way. It's not about money dh and I'm sorry that you think it is.


  • freedom96

    No question being molested is a horrible thing, and something that can affect many people for a long time, if not forever.

    Again, I hope that Jackson didn't do these things.

    But, in this case, it is very clear, and will become more clear as the trial goes on, that there are a lot of holes in this case, and that this family is extremely money hungry. Don't think it isn't for a second. Check out the background on this family.

    We haven't even seen anything yet with this trial.

  • bikerchic

    I would think that even if they can't convict him of molestation the very least he should get slammed for child endangerment, giving alcohol to a minor and other infractions, at the very least!

    You've got to ask yourself what grown man surrounds himself with children and conclude that he's up to no good. Very sad.

    If I was his Mother I would have moved into his house to guard and protect Michael from his own immature and poor choices, or have him committed to a physco ward! His family failed him and there is where the money comes in IMHO.


  • upside/down
    You've got to ask yourself what grown man surrounds himself with children and conclude that he's up to no good. Very sad.

    I do... my kids and their friends are always doing dad kid stuff... but not the way MJ did. It's all above board- WAY ABOVE BOARD!!!

    What kind of parents LET their kid go into such a situation REPEATEDLY?

    Something's "fishy",

    MJ has a target on him the size of a house, he should have been smarter and more prudent- if he is in fact innocent.

    He is "guilty" of being stupid and using poor judgement to say the least (Where were his "advisors"?) Well it's time MJ "grew up". Welcome to the real world MJ. Now your just a slob like the rest of us.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I agree and I have said this dozens of times, if MJ is innocent he has shown poor judgment. He has left himself open for every money grubbing, get rich wacko out there by his poor judgment. A 44 year old man does not let 12 year old boys sleep in his bed without the parent?s supervision. Like you said, its time MJ got in the real world. Myself I don't think MJ is as naive and innocent as he portrays himself on the TV. The childlike act he puts on is just that an act, to make people think it is all an innocent game and he is hurting no one.


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