Arrest Warrent for Michael Jackson

by the_classicist 18 Replies latest social current

  • the_classicist

    Well, it seems the judge got pissed off at his hospital antics. Your thoughts.

  • JustTickledPink

    a back problem?

    Whatever. Maybe his nose fell off.

  • kls

    Wasn't it just last week he was in the hospital for the flu when he was to appear in court ,now it is his back. What is he afraid of i wonder. Good for the judge who is seeing through this crap.

  • cindykp
    Maybe his nose fell off.


  • upside/down

    Jacko is just plain wierd.

    The people suing him however are greedy slime and indicative of the "sue" culture America has become. They are as guilty or more of anything Jacko may or may not have done. They should fry. Who LETS there kids go off with a wierdo (it was the plan all along). Their "dirt" is starting to come out and it ain't pretty. Jacko will probably slide... but both sides attorneys and the media will make a fortune!

    America land of the greedy free (well at least they both have two "e's").

    I hope they all get what they deserve.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    The people suing him however are greedy slime and indicative of the "sue" culture America has become. They are as guilty or more of anything Jacko may or may not have done. They should fry. Who LETS there kids go off with a wierdo (it was the plan all along). Their "dirt" is starting to come out and it ain't pretty. Jacko will probably slide... but both sides attorneys and the media will make a fortune!

    This is a court proceeding to find if Michael is guilty criminally and has nothing to do with him being sued. I agree, that the family is a bunch of greedy slime but any suing for financial gain will follow in a civil hearing. If MJ is found guilty criminally, they would have a better chance in winning a civil case, although they could still go ahead and sue MJ even if he is found innocent criminally. Same thing happened in the OJ Simpson case.


  • dh

    Everyone makes fun of jacko, but he has done more good for this world than that judge, those cops, or any of his accusers ever will. So what if he was late for court.

  • upside/down
    The people suing him however are greedy slime and indicative of the "sue" culture America has become. They are as guilty or more of anything Jacko may or may not have done. They should fry. Who LETS there kids go off with a wierdo (it was the plan all along). Their "dirt" is starting to come out and it ain't pretty. Jacko will probably slide... but both sides attorneys and the media will make a fortune!

    This is a court proceeding to find if Michael is guilty criminally and has nothing to do with him being sued. I agree, that the family is a bunch of greedy slime but any suing for financial gain will follow in a civil hearing. If MJ is found guilty criminally, they would have a better chance in winning a civil case, although they could still go ahead and sue MJ even if he is found innocent criminally. Same thing happened in the OJ Simpson case.

    My point exactly... this is all geared up to file to "sue". I guarantee they will not be happy or content just knowing a suspected molester is behind bars... like all slime balls tons of cash will ease their "emotional suffering". Their lawyers aren't stupid. These people have sued before and won (over 100K)... they view it as easy money.

    No one deserves to be treated like that- even MJ. Unless of course they can PROVE he's guilty (not just wierd).


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I know MJ is innocent until proven guilty but if the evidence so far that is being brought out is true, he is far from being a good guy. I don't care how much "he has done more good for this world", he has ruined the lives of a number of young innocent boys.


  • upside/down
    I know the WTS is innocent until proven guilty but if the evidence so far that is being brought out is true, it is far from being a good guy. I don't care how much "the WTS has done that's good for this world", it has ruined the lives of a number of young innocent boys

    Do my eyes decieve me?

    Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I had an epiphany and had to share it.

    u/d (of the slight plagarist class)

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