Body Parts

by Thinking 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman
    I like my legs but I'd like a bum like Kylie's to go with them !


    I would point you to an earlier thread where I actually referred to you as Angharadus nicebuttus.


  • Angharad
    I would point you to an earlier thread where I actually referred to you as Angharadus nicebuttus.

    LOL I never saw that !

  • upside/down

    Carmen Electras ass and legs and stomach

    Pamela Andersons Pecks

    Angelina Jolie's face and mouth

    What am I saying.... I'm a dude!

    u/d Please pardon me I just had an out of gender experience

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.
    Please pardon me I just had an out of gender experience

    Aww .... It happens to me all the time.

  • whyamihere

    I want everything made over sometimes!

    However, I don't want to loose myself and my looks. It what makes me ME! I was working out last night and I had some low points for the past few months. I didn't care I thought hell I want to know what people think about me and what I look like(my Rate me thread). I was shocked about the comments(Thank you) I had no idea I wasn't so bad! I wanted you all to rate me for me and what I got back I return was much better than I ever thought. So I was on a high last night thiking I will get back in to shape and be were I want to be. So there I was working it baby. The really cute I mean hot and sexy guy walks right up to me starts talking and after I told him I was married and had 2 kids(life story) he gave me his number! He said I was "mint"! I almost died thinking ummmm hello I need a shower I am full of sweat and no make up on what the hell. To find out all the girls at the gym LOVE him and think he is sexy but thought he was gay becuase he doesn't have a girl friend and does not flirt with the women there! YEAH I STILL GOT IT!

    I will take what I have but maybe the clothes they have!


  • Beachbender

    My legs, and my a**, and my boobs have somewhat maintained very well through the years! I have a small petite frame, and I`m 5`3, what I would like though is Britney Spears or Beyonnace`s(sp.?) AB`s, very nice!!! I have had 3 kids via C-sec. so my tummy muscles are practically null and void! I would love to have my old flat, "20'-ish" something stomach again!!

  • Englishman
    I have had 3 kids via C-sec. so my tummy muscles are practically null and void!

    Mine are a bit bedraggled after my op last year. I keep offering to post pics but so far I have had no takers.


  • Beachbender

    OK! Now I have visuals!

  • Thinking

    Crisis of Conscience came in today.
    Eager to get into reading it.

    I need some good eyes now, forget Gwens legs!!!

  • jillbedford

    You can do anything you want. You can be anything you want.

    Make a plan to get there, then DO IT!

    In my opinion, I have the best body it is possible for me to have. I have become the person on the outside I am on the inside. Strong! Detirmined! A Go Getter!

    One gets in better shape when they do not spend hours riding in a car in field service and sitting at meetings. I spend that time running now. I run at least 35 miles a week.

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