Why do you live where you live?

by Satans little helper 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    And on the eighth day God created the land downunder!

    OK, just kiddin' but it sure beats some other places I've been to. Not naming names, of course!

    cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)

  • Crumpet

    Awww come on ozziepost name names !!

  • talesin

    Kwin, Heart2Heart, don't leave me ....


    I have lived in one other province. I hated it. But Maritimers and Newfies are famous for that. We rarely adopt other places as 'home'.

    So, despite the regional economic depression (Kwin's right, wages:cost of living is unbelievable *sigh*), I choose to remain in my beloved NS. There are many artists here of all kinds, the energy and light is fantastic, and like no other I have experienced.

    I would live in BC as well. It's beautiful, and most importantly, on the seacoast. Must live on the ocean.

    And as I hear from my west-coast friends, their spring starts in late February. I know it's true, saw it on TV. :D

    SoCal and the Carolinas are favorite places as well, but I have no Green Card, and the neocons scare me.


  • ozziepost
    Awww come on ozziepost name names !!

    No, shan't!!!!

    Or daren't!!

    Let's say that some places/countries are so bloody boring - know what I mean?

    Cheers, Ozzie (glad to be downunder class)

  • Crumpet

    Chicken - ozziepost!

    How about I name and shame first - this is opinion only so no one need get offended - and if they want they can even defend?

    I can categorically state that Croydon has to be the most ugly and pointless and cultureless place on the planet. There I've said it!

    Any challengers?

  • ozziepost


    Mrs Ozzie has relatives now living there - so watch it!!

    But yes it is boring! I don't think it's the most boring place on earth though - maybe go a bit south for that!!!!!

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I can't stand London, it's full of pretentious tossers who think they are really "IT". I love Cornwall and the scenery is awe inspiring but there is no work, Bournemouth is one of the most boring places on earth

  • Peppermint

    "Any challengers?"

    How about Luton.


  • Crumpet

    Oooh cheek, ozzie - lucky you are far enough away for my slap not to sting!- I live a bit south from "there".

    I am presently in Croydon, looking out as I do everyday, on bunches of concrete grey buildings! There are few views less dull! Its cool that you know where I'm talking about though!

  • Crumpet

    I agree - Cornwall is gorgeous, 2nd only to the Gower (South Wales) in my affections.

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