Millions now living will never die.....

by AK - Jeff 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Can anyone here point me in the direction of a copy of the talk or booklet online that can be printed? I have a relative still 'in' that might accept that the 'food at the proper time' was missing here! I think I used to have a copy of the booklet 40 years ago - but it is long gone.

    Thanx guys in advance for the help.


  • JustTickledPink

    Isn't the writer of that famous speech dead now?

  • blondie
  • JustTickledPink

    WOW impressive sites. Love the second one where the guy tells you to watch out for apostates on the internet. LOL.

  • rebel8

    Here's another one, direct from the ass's horse's mouth:

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Blondie - were you a book in your previous life?

    thanx [a million]


  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    blondie ...

    thanks for the links!! awesome. strictly genteel is a most interesting site. and funny that it claims to be run by a dub. certainly the society wouldn't support it.

    i love the of tracts, with the covers and text. most interesting. as a matter fact, im gonna use it to plant my seeds today with my mom and aunt. i'm gonna send then that page, and maybe the 1941 tract with the hopes the nostalgia will prevail .... and they'll browse the old titles, maybe even reading some of old mumbo-jumbo, most of which has been discredited by that pesky 'new light'.

  • mjarka911

    I like the part where he/she talks about the upcoming projects, but says "the holidays are coming soon - so I'll be getting a much needed break". Why? Does she celebrate now.

  • JAVA
    Isn't the writer of that famous speech dead now?

    You're right--Rutherford is dead, and they even managed to hide the location of his grave. If you were born when Rutherford was pushing the "Millions Now Living" new light in 1920, you would be 85-years old today. As God's earthly prophet, he should have proclaimed: "All Now Living Will Die." Had he done that, the Tower could have pointed to one prediction as truth.

  • Honesty

    The intention is to provide access to publications which would normally be found in the library at a Kingdom Hall, but which often cannot be found there today.
    This is mainly for two linked reasons:
    Firstly: These publications are in short supply. They are now out of print, and there is only a finite number of copies, many of which are suffering the effects of time. (Translated: The WTBTS has destroyed all they could get their hands on)
    Secondly: The rapid growth in the number of Kingdom Halls throughout the earth has meant that not every Hall can have a copy of every publication. Recently it has been suggested that each congregation language group have its own library, further limiting the availability of these older publications. (Translated: You don't need to know how we screwed up in the past)
    There is also another reason for these publications being made available in this way: Some of these books are available on the Internet through sites run by apostates, which means that the person who wishes to consult them may also be exposed to other material of an apostate nature. (Translated: You will find out just how many times the WTBTS has lied and deceived people)
    It was felt that the need existed for a "safe" site for brothers and sisters who wish to see these early publications to do so in the context of a website containing no dangerous apostate ideas. (Translated: You are being fed by the FDS; let's keep it that way or we'll give you the boot and demand that you be shunned by your family and friends until God destroys your rebel ass at Armageddon)

    This site is maintained by one of Jehovah's Witnesses who fully supports the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. (That's only because they don't know about your site yet)

    The site is being extended as the publications are scanned and transcribed to web format. The intention is provide a library of early publications of the Watch Tower Society which can be referred to for research purposes, or purely for casual interest in Theocratic History. (Wonder why the FDS didn't think of extending this courtesy to the rank and file members)

    It is appreciated that these documents do not reflect the current understanding of the Bible enjoyed by Jehovah's Witnesses, and for up-to-date information the reader is encouraged to visit the Official Site of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. (What understanding? These were emphatic promises from God channeled down through the FDS)
    A logo showing the words: "SKK Theocratic Library" will appear on each page to identify them as belonging to this site. SKK stands for "Knihovna Sála Království" - which translates as Kingdom Hall Library. (Sounds sorta like assault rifle in the original language which is probably what the WTBTS is going to discipline you with when they discover your theocratic website. In other words, you just blew getting appointed as a MS for the rest of your miserable JW life)

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