Why the large number of postings to 'men who lie with men'?

by dostprefer 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • dostprefer

    Please be patient on this one because I thought I posted this before and it is on the forum , goodness knows where so this is not repetition for emphasis. Think I have got the hang of it now. And hopefully haven't got the 'statistics' wrong!

    Holly's 'goodbye' letter quickly drew 152 postings as of today. Checking back to the beginning of January, there were only 3 subjects to exceed that number. Two were from 'new chums' , but the winner by far was the "men who lie with men" topic. Is there any reason why that should be so? Please keep your answers brief and to the point (terse is okay, but haven't we learned from Holly's example that a kindly sincerity and patent honesty is more likely to reach the heart?)

  • ValiantBoy

    The men who lie with men thread was so popular because people love me and I posted several times.

    Actually, it was because soem posters felt the need to post inflammatory statements. As offensive as they were, it made for spirited conversation.

    And gay people love to talk....esp about themselves... HAHA

  • wednesday
    Please keep your answers brief and to the point (terse is okay, but haven't we learned from Holly's example that a kindly sincerity and patent honesty is more likely to reach the heart?)

    U might receive more response if u do not tell people how to post.

  • avishai

    The gay topics on this board usually get huge #'s of post's. The JW's being a fundie cult love to fag-bash. Many of us get over most of the predjudices of the religion when we get out fairly quickly. Lot's of us hang on to that one. It's not OK to hate based on race in todays society. Gays are less and less fair game, but it's still there. So it's still a hot button topic.

    Here's one that pisses me off, though. Almost everyone is horrified by the word Nigger. Lots are by the word Fag.

    Almost no-one is by the derogatory use of the word retard, i.e so-and-so is such a retard. Example. "Swordofjah is a retard, brownboy is a retard......

    It sucks. It's just as derogatory. My bro is autistic, and no where near as unreasonable as those two.

  • Swan


    I agree with you, and I personally never use that word to refer to anyone. All people do stupid things, whether they are developmentally disabled or not. You will find people of all IQs in a religious cult. There are some people I know, who were developmentally disabled, who saw through the Watchtower bunk long before I did.

    Holly's 'goodbye' letter quickly drew 152 postings as of today.


    Holly "goodbye letter" was a condescending a parting shot made by a snob who asked for everyone's help with her questions and then presumed to tell us off before she walked out.

    She claims to know what we feel deep down, but she hasn't a clue for for the absolute contempt some of us have for the Watchtower Society. Deep down I know it to be one of the most insidiously evil cults ever to enslave good, sincere people. My fervent wish is to see it eradicated from the face of the earth for all of the harm and suffering it has cause thousands and maybe even millions of people.

    Her holier-than-though attitude is what drew the postings. I, for one, will not miss her in the least. Sincerity and patent honesty? Actually I have for several weeks began to feel that she was being disingenuous, but was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

    Here is her message in a nutshell:

    After several weeks of asking you to help me, I know the JWs have the Truth, so bye. You know it too deep in your hearts. You losers need to come groveling back to a book publishing company to have any sort of life, even though they f***ed you mentally (some of you physically). If you do, then you will truly be worthy of God's blessing. Have a nice day.

    I think that sums up my take on her message. How's that for sincerity and patent honesty? Frankly, I'm surprised there weren't 1000 posts after she basically told us all to go F ourselves.


    Whoops! This post got across my point, but it was not that brief. Too bad.

  • jeanniebeanz

    Simple. It is an interesting subject that many here have strong opinions on. And, stop with Holly. She was insincere, as are you.


  • cindykp

    Because I started the thread! LOL JK

  • Dragonlady76
    This person is a troll and I won't even bother to respond.

  • LittleToe

    I agree with all the above, especially Wednesday and Barney...

  • new light
    new light

    Does dostprefer love this group or what? Not only does he/she post pretty much everyday, but now he/she is spending time searching the archives for statistics, all the while knowing how this would bother his/her body of elders! Certainly this time would be better spent searching for sheeplike ones or learning a foreign language.

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