The British NHS........ What is your view?

by ScoobySnax 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • aniron

    I personnally in all my years of dealing with NHS have not had any problems.

    My son last year was diagnosed with severe aneamia, when Doctor got results of blood test. They had him in that night, even sent an ambulance. In for about 10 days, received treatment, no problems since.

    Those have been my own experiences. But I do know of others who have had to wait months just to see someone. One who had his operation cancelled three times.

    The NHS is a vast organisation, more money is spent on it than on defence. Every government pours more money into it.

    Its a great big political football. No political party, would dare mess around to much with it.

  • sleepy

    "I think the British copied our system" cough cough splutter! No definatley not. I would also like to add that the american system is not the american system, its just private health care ,which we all have the choice of in other countries too.

  • under74

    uh...sleepy...but in America you got private care or no care OR in the least no care till it hurts too bad not to call the ambulance...then you have to put up with the collection agencies when you can't pay for it.

  • Gill

    Wonderful! Fantastic! Wouldn't want to be without it!

    Have had my life saved by the NHS Service at least eight times and my children and husband have all been well looked after by it. It costs, at point of use NOTHING. Wow! Don't have to worry about getting ill, and who's going to pay the bills!

    Who can ask for more. The staff are fantastic! Only ever had one bad experience, but that was due to overworked an understaffed ward and thank God, they cancelled my operation!

  • Simon

    I think what people in the UK forget is that WE PAY FOR IT TOO !!! Where do you people imagine these £Billions come from? Trees? It comes from whopping taxes and NI charges. You pay for it whether you use it or not.

    It's "free" only 'at the point of delivery' ... but in every other way we pay for it.

    Now, whether it represents good value or not is open for question. It seems that there are lots of examples of political interference and beurocracy.

    I personally would like to be able to choose who I want to deliver my healthcare and make a choice for myself on how much I value it (and so how much I want to pay).

    I believe the old saying: If you had to buy all your bread off the government then it would probably cost £5 a loaf and be stale before it was delivered to you.

  • Simon

    What the US lacks is a safety net, that is, something provided by the government for basic heathcare needs for the most disadvantaged in society.

    In that regard the US is practically a 3rd world nation and a disgrace ... refusing someone lifesaving emergency treatment based on someone's bank ballance is shameful.

    Britain, and Europe even more so, probably go too far the other way - everyone has to pay for the national service but there is no allowance for you making your own provision other than paying for both. I like the conservative idea of the amount that the NHS would have coughed up going toward private treatment if you will pay the rest - everyone wins ... other than the ideological zealots.

  • ozziepost

    The British NHS - our view? well, it all looks upside down from where I'm sitting!

    Cheers from downunder, Ozzie

  • Qcmbr

    Its not ahealth service its a factory - I hate it! I have been treated like so much dirty rubbish while waiting for the birth of my daughter / waiting for consultants who saunter all over the place without any urgency / puzzled by rows and rows of disused beds and wards in my local hospital. It is an absolute disaster area that eats money. Most of the diseases they treat are made worse in their. Am I off my head - maybe but tell that to my wife who went in for a bunion removal - got mistaken for an eighty year old in for a leg amputation - now my wife has plastic and pins in her leg where they had to rectify the mess. To top it all of they 'lost' the records so that she couldn't sue. I really hate the NHS - I am embarrassed by it. If it was a horse they'd shoot it.

  • trevor

    The British National health Service is the best free Health Service in the World - unless you happen to be British. There are no waiting lists if you area health tourist but it assumed the British enjoy queuing. As Simon says, it is not free to us. The care available in France and Spain puts ours to shame.

    But then why pick on the Health service, look at our Roads, Trains, and Prime Minister. The Empire is over!

  • ballistic

    If the National Health Service is so bad, why does one famous Australian world tours company recommend all back packers come to the UK first to get all their shots?

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