Are they really this heartless?

by kj 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • adelmaal

    I remember my boyfriend telling me (before I started studying) that his JW parents would rather him literally die than not be a Jehovah's Witness because then at least he would have the hope of being resurrected.

    I thought that was so deluded. And yet I still studied Go figure.

  • kj

    Thanks for letting me vent, everybody. It just makes me sick. If this doesn't wake them up, I don't think anything will. I just don't think my aunt has it in her to turn her back on her own daughter. I think the whole JW lifestyle (or lack of it) is running her ragged. It is just too sad.

  • Gopher
    ...after the [disfellowhipping] announcement was read, one of the "friends" told her "It's kind of like a death in the family, isn't it. Take some time to grieve."

    This is life viewed through the JW looking-glass. The disfellowshipped one has spiritually "died", and has no hope of everlasting life outside their "organization".

    The friend is calling to reinforce the notion that this daughter must be cut off, but the other JW's are here for the loyal mother in her time of "need".

    It all seems so natural to a JW, using the tunnel vision imposed by the Watchtower literature.

  • kls

    It is just too sad. ,,,,,,,, Yes Kj it is and there is so much of it.

  • Purza
    I know a woman that got a sympathy card when her daughter was DF'd.

    Maybe that is my mother. She got one when I was DF'd as a teenager. No joke.


  • kj

    OK, I have one more question. I haven't been close to this cousin for quite a few years, pretty much ever since they all became JWs. I want to show her some support, but it is kind of odd since we really haven't been close. I also don't want her to think I'm on a fishing expedition (trying to get info for her mother or mine). To those of you who are df'd, would you have welcomed support of some of your non-JW relatives, even ones you haven't heard from in awhile? I just don't want her to think she has no one, or feel she has to cave in and grovel at the feet of the elders to be reinstated. I don't agree with some of the choices she's made, but that doesn't mean I think she is "dead" or a "lost cause". What do you all think?

  • Purza
    To those of you who are df'd, would you have welcomed support of some of your non-JW relatives, even ones you haven't heard from in awhile?

    I would have welcomed that when I was a teenager and I would still welcome it now. I am neither DF'd or DA'd and I am still shunned. I have contacted the members of my family that are not dubs and we are getting along just fine.

    She is not dead or a lost cause. You can tell her up front that you are not on a fishing expedition. If she doesn't believe you, then show her by your actions that you care. JMHO


  • adelmaal
    would you have welcomed support of some of your non-JW relatives, even ones you haven't heard from in awhile

    Absolutely! My family was there for me after I was DF'd even though I had dropped them all like hot potatoes when I got involved in that religion. It really made me see how loving and accepting people can be outside that organization.

  • kj

    I appreciate your input, thanks!

  • jeanniebeanz

    I'd be interested to know what JW apologist lurkers here can possibly say to defend this distinctly un-Christain behavior.


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