Why is the Governing Body so Thoughtlessly Cruel?

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • FairMind
    They remind me of men who have had a life sentence in prison and only know and live with the social laws of prisons.

    This is truly a large part of the answer. They are institutionalized people who do not live in the reality of the world. This is not an unknown fact either as many active JWs see the GB and those who serve at Bethel in this way.

  • frankiespeakin

    One other reason why the Governing Body is so thoughtlessly cruel is the fact that they are insulated from seeing the damage they cause because they are institutoinalized,, and only speak to people that fear them or think they are some great spiritual person.

    Brother Booth came up to me when I visited the Brooklin Hieght congregation and introduced himself saying: " hello I'm brother Booth" and I just stared at him and said:"hello brother Booth" and that was all I was not impressed and it showed I said notheing else for about a few seconds,,he got mad and gave me a forget you hand type jesture and walked off. I guess he was expecting some type of elated welcome. I alway thought his talks were boring.

  • cyber-sista
    because the org is the control, and with out the org they will lose control.

    Good comment kls...This filters down through all the JWs and this is why they so strongly defend their precious Org. If the Org is not defended by the elders for instance they lose their power over the flock (even if they think something is wrong in the Org they remain silent in fear of losing their own postions if they speak out) These elders receive glory from the congo in their positions and control over people they would not normally have being that many of them are misfits in society already. Many of the JWs are also misfits who are built up to believe that by their association they too elevate themselves and gain power, as many of them are of low self esteem and feel powerless otherwise. It is a cruel cycle and it takes advantage of peoples dysfunctions and needs--and it also perpetuates them. The sad truth is for so many of the average JW you take them out of JW land and they feel powerless in their lives. I know many like this. Some wouldn't even know "how to direct their own step" if they left.


  • rebel8

    The lack of natural affection among dubs has been observed by others as well. IMO, in the case of death, it can be attributed to their belief that showing too much sadness over the death of a loved one reveals lack of faith in the resurrection. I know that's what I was taught.

  • Golf

    Control and ego trips.


  • dostprefer

    Why is the Governing Body so Thoughtlessly Cruel?

    This question might well be asked of Jehovah, seeing that he is going to tear the wicked ones away from the Earth. (Psalm 37:10,11) On the other hand, millions who are suffering today, may view that as a kindness.

  • IP_SEC

    We arent asking it about jehovaber the @ss hole we are asking it about the Gooberbody.

  • TresHappy

    They all have a God complex!

  • xjw_b12

    Ummmh, perhaps because they're Thoughtless?

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    What else can we expect out of an old bunch of disillusioned guys???!!! Whose profitable religious business, by the way, is slipping away since the onset of the internet???!!!


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