How would a JW handle this? 587 proved correct date for fall of Jerusalem

by confusedjw 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • keeshah

    I'as just ribbin ya, I knew you knew better :P

    You've figured out that 607 and 1914 are bogus, thats smarter than most dubs.

    Oh, I know you were just kidding, but REALLY I'm clueless about this stuff. It was something that I was NOT interested in learning, so I didn't.

    All I've figured out is when you scream "Armageddon's coming SOON" for the last 120 years people are going to stop believing you (well, most people anyway... when they actually THINK about it). How can my mother be so dumb???

  • mkr32208

    Someone once posted a great quote that went something like

    The problem with starting a doomsday cult is that sooner or later you need the end to come!

    I don't think thats quite right but it gets the feeling of the quote... I really don't see the WBTS surviving 2014 intact and if they do manage to make it to 2034 I think they will have dropped all dates and gone mainstream!

  • scholar

    Alan F

    I have had no involvement with the 587V607 as you incorrectly claim. I have not posted on that site but I am familiar with those letters on chronology. Also, you make false claims concerning both charts that feature in the Aid and Insight volumes which show that WT scholars have provided a coherent presentation of Divided Monarchy which accords well with the 390 year period as prophesied by Ezekiel.

    In fact you cowardly avoid giving any chronology for this period because the Jonsson hypothesis cannot do this simple thing. Why is it that many scholars at least make an attempt but you and your Daddy Jonsson cannot?All that you can do is blindly follow a questionable date 587 without any chronology in support of it, at least WT scholars not only have a veriable date of 607 but have provide a consistent and accurate chronology for the Old and New Testament. What you need to do is to sit down with a glass of Jim Bean and do some work, work at providing at least an attempt of a king list for Judah and Israel. If this is too difficult for you then perhaps it will teach you to be a little more modest in matters of chronology.


    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • scholar


    When I post on matters pertaining to chronology it is always the case that I attract considerable attention and interest. It is not possible for me to respond to each and every post but I simply confine my attention to one or more or I reply to my long standing oppisites namely Hilary step or Alan F.

    Let me make this one important point/ WT scholars have for many decades calculated 607 for the Fall of Jerusalem. Such a calculation is solidly based on secular and biblical evidence which is fully explained in the Society/s publications. It is based on a Absolute Date which is 529 followed by the relese of the Exiles under Cyrus in 537. These facts are indusputable, Further, a period of seventy years marked that of the Exiles in Babylon who served and remained in Babylon for that period of seventy years which also marked a period of desolation of the land. This means that the Bible clearly sets the beginning and end of the seventy years which concluded in 537 and began in 607. Now, the matter of the seventy years is a matter of interpretation of several key texts and there will be different views on this. WT scholars take the matter of the seventy yeras as serious business, reading the text directly and not trying to manipulate the matter in order to fit some pet hypothesis.

    Clearly, the Jonsson hypothesis is confused about the seventy years as reflected by the fact that no fixed beginning is determined. Is it 609 or 605? The length of the seventy years is either literal or symbolic depending on the opinion that there are many seventy year periods offered up to the reader. The understanding of the seventy years by the FDS and WT scholars has not and cannot be disproved but the calcuable date of 607 results in the fulfillment of prophecy leading to 1914.

    Al that apostates can do is present a criticism and an alternative viewpoint or interpretation and I have no problem with that but please in repect of 607 all should be honest with the facts and leave emotions aside.

    venerable scholar

    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • scholar

    529 should be corrected to 539. A simple typo.


  • confusedjw

    Scholar to AlanF

    All that you can do is blindly follow a questionable date

    Now if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black.

  • confusedjw

    Let's assume that the 607 date is correct and that it is proper to add 2520 years to it get to 1914 (eventually anyway - the zero year 606 thing)

    Scholar: What has this given us? A date for the Last Days to begin? How do you tolerate teaching to your children and folks in the community that the Generation that saw this date would see the end - only to have it change?

    WEREN'T YOU TELLING A LIE? Whether you personally meant to or not, you were in fact teaching a lie not unlike ones taught by churches in Christendom.

    What has this date of 1914 provided?

  • undercover
    It is not possible for me to respond to each and every post but I simply confine my attention to one or more or I reply to my long standing oppisites namely Hilary step or Alan F.

    I've got an idea....if HS and AF are game:

    We'll all shut up and let you answer this post and this post alone:

    You're on Scholar.

    Show us the biblical proof in chronological order starting with Joshua and continuing down to the destruction of Jerusalem complete with dates of rulership or judgeship.

    The WTBTS can't do it and I have a $50,000 purse for the first biblically verifiable proof that says you can't either.

    Bob of the $ talks and BS walks class

    That suit you scholar? That gives you one post to answer and the rest of us will await your answer.
  • scholar


    The Society has published a chronology for the Old Testament period going right back to Adam and has a reconstruction of the Divided Monarchy. Such chronology highlights the historicity of the Old Testament period necessary in order to have faith in God's Word. A more superior chronology has not been achieved but one must acknowledge a debt of gratitude to the pioneering work of James Ussher. If the Society's chronology is not sufficient for you then find your own or ask devotees of the Jonsson cult for one or better still seek it in the heap of secular evidence.

    I am not interested in your silly wager and neither is anyone else. Grow up and get a life!


    BA MA Studies in Relugion

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    BA MA Studies in Religion

    Woooooooo - impressive stuff.

    I couldn't resist cutting in.

    587, 607, 70 years, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

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