How would a JW handle this? 587 proved correct date for fall of Jerusalem

by confusedjw 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • confusedjw

    So I put it out to you who believe the WTBTS is the agent used by God's Channel on earth based on the belief that in 1919 (3 1/2 years after the Gentile Times ended in 1914, per Pastor Russell) they were appointed the FDS.

    What if it was proved that NOT 607, but 587 was the date Jerusalem was destroyed? Would that affect your faith? Would it matter that the teaching of 1919 turned out to be false? Would this change your confidence in the writers of the WT?

    If you are a current JW would this affect you?

    How would you have responed to such proof when you were a JW?

    It's a sincere question.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    It has been proved! How would a JW handle this? Look at scholar! I'm sure he will respond soon.

  • roybatty

    For anyone with half a brain, it's easy to review the evidence and conclude that Jerusalem fell in 587, not 607. One doesn't have to even read any "apostate" article on the subject. Heck, here in Chicago there is an awesome "out-of-the-way" Jewish museum here in Chicago that my kids and I visited. When I asked about the 587 vs. 607 "debate" they kind of gave me the "it's 587 duh" look.

    So who does one believe would know Jewish history better? A group of people who spend their entire life studying the history of the Jews or some minor religion here in the U.S. that doesn't even have one religious scholar???? Hmmmm....tough decision.

  • truth_about_the_truth

    How would they handle this 20 yr difference? Just add 20 yrs.

    1914 + 20 = 1934!!!!

    Which would mean we are due for new light on the meaning of "generation" in 1995 + 20 = 2015!!!

    10 is the number which signifies perfection, when multiplied by 2 (making it 20) would mean emphasis (double) which proves that this is the perfect perfect new light coming from the FDS!!! Aren't we glad, brothers to be part of such a dynamic ever changing organization which dispenses food at the proper time??!!

  • zman

    ROFLMAO..................... ** applause fill the convention center** while everyone thinks to themselves "WTF AGAIN"

  • IP_SEC

    They would downplay dates, because they arent important. Then they would pretend as though they discovered the 586/7 date and pawn it off as new light. Many people would leave. They would stop printing references to 1914, soon all the books with 1914 would be revised or renewed. New witnesses would never know anything about 1914, and would call apostates liars for even insinuating that the org useta believe christ set his kingdom up in 1914.

    'We've done it before and we'll do it again'


  • scholar


    Your claim that 587 is the correct date rather than 697 is ignorant. The date 607 is based upon a careful chronology developed over many centuries going right back to that famous biblical chronologist, James Ussher. The evidence for 607 is far superior than the evidence for 587 as it is based on the infallible testimony of God;s Word and not the interpretation of secular documents.

    There are other candidates for the destruction of Jerusalem which are 588 and 586 and more to the point what would apostates do if scholars drift away from the secular to the biblical and indicate that dates other 607 are suspect?


    BA MA Studies in Religion

  • Gill

    Oh Scholar! I love it when you answer up! You're so funny!

    If you can measure it in a pyramid in Giza, it and it comes to the same amount of bubbles as in my dish water then it must be right...I say!

  • IP_SEC
    based on the infallible testimony of God;s Word and not the interpretation of secular documents

    scholor! Now you know thats not true. What is 607 based on? the infallible testimony of gods word? NO its not. You couldnt even get back to 607 with out the interpretation of secular documents. That fact is that if we need to be historians, theologians, and archiologists to understand the bible, what good is it.

    1914, 607, 587 is a non issue to a true christian.

  • Honesty
    Your claim that 587 is the correct date rather than 697 is ignorant. The date 607 is based upon a careful chronology developed over many centuries going right back to that famous biblical chronologist, James Ussher. The evidence for 607 is far superior than the evidence for 587 as it is based on the infallible testimony of God;s Word and not the interpretation of secular documents.

    There are other candidates for the destruction of Jerusalem which are 588 and 586 and more to the point what would apostates do if scholars drift away from the secular to the biblical and indicate that dates other 607 are suspect?


    You're on Scholar.

    Show us the biblical proof in chronological order starting with Joshua and continuing down to the destruction of Jerusalem complete with dates of rulership or judgeship.

    The WTBTS can't do it and I have a $50,000 purse for the first biblically verifiable proof that says you can't either.

    Bob of the $ talks and BS walks class

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