by Mary 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    even if I hear something I don't understand, Jehovah will eventually reveal it to me through the evil and indiscreet bastard of a slave"

    ROFLMAO! Good one!

    Most dubs feel the organisation is the closest thing they will ever find if it's not the ONLY truth.

    Ya, my sister is like that. She doesn't believe that Jesus returned in 1914, but she said "when you look at the bible, Jehovah's always used an organization............I think he's going to bring about the New System of Things and I want to be there for that......what other religion can offer us that?" In a nutshell, she likes the social aspect of the Organization is isn't prepared to give it up.

    Dubs must be past a certain point for your idea to work. They have to have strong doubts first.

    Actually, this is the first thing that got me to doubt. I was out in Service one day (had to work by myself cause we were unevenly numbered that day) and one guy invited me in and through the conversation he told me that someone he worked with proved the Jehovah's Witnesses wrong and that they didn't have an answer for the questions he was asking. That really shocked me and got me thinking.

  • dostprefer

    "The Gnat", alas, has found that his life span was not two days as he thought but is actually one week. So the good/bad news that he/she/it will be around longer than expected.

    this (from memory) from a T.V. show This may be of help to some reading these pages. Have taken this on board myself If I can do it, so can you!

    Anger means you are holding fear, hurt or disappointment. Have to ask self ?what part did I have in it? A failure to take responsibility means we are choosing to stay angry, hurt or disappointed. And then we attack. Coming to the party means we are ready to move on but perhaps someone has moved on and we take it as rejection and we attack again . But we do have options. Be realistic, do we want to and do we have the same goals as the old friend? If it is ?no? stop attacking and work on our own goals and be civil. Make the other person feel better round us. That is being adult. If its ?yes? we should seek help from professionals to pick up our life, not in comparison with our ex friend/s but to have a personal feeling of success and be a pleasant and helpful person to be around.

    NOTE circumstances, standoffs and personal attacks either through a group or through individuals.

    This advice was given because so many find it impossible to move on and set own goals

    Tendency is to envy others with more ability and attack them rather than doing what we personally do well.

    happy postings!

  • dostprefer

    Well how would they? Had you ever thought of asking one?

    Go on, that little old lady with a limp and a smile, the old fella with a walking stick, the young mother with baby in the pram,stroller, babby buggy, the distinguished looking gentleman of serious mein with greying hair (probably a rookie), the teenager who looks as if he couldn't put two words together, get out that question, dust it off and give it a go! They are not going to read postings on this forum, give them a chance.

    In fact, somebody pointed out that forum posters are like poets,who generally don't read but write ( poetry.)

    Did you not know that? Well, I'll let you in on another little secret, Gadflies don't read either, no they do not, What do they do then?

    A persistent irritating critic; a nuisance.

    One that acts as a provocative stimulus; a goad.

    Yep, that's them, so don't even think of asking a Gadfly, they are so officiously going about their business driving animals mad they do not have time to engage in the frivolity of reading the critics ('crickets' is what Gadflies call THEM) But do you know that these plaguey congregatingcritters sometimes condescend to POST on forums. Well, one of them does, but

    one does not make a plague does it? Its all very well to ramble on like this - all these questions - How Would A Witness Answer ? Why not ask one?

  • outoftheorg

    A persistant irritating CRITIC; A NUISANCE.

    I'LL BE DAMNED IF DOSTPREFER didn't just describe himself.

    An irritating nuisance, That's you for sure Dust.


  • bebu

    I asked this to my JW friend--the original hypothetical question. All she could reply is, "But it IS the truth!"

    I said, "Yeah, okay. Let's say it IS the truth. Even so, you can still make a guess about what you would do IF it weren't."

    "But it IS the truth!"

    "C'mon... Pretend for a moment that the world was different, and the WTS was not, in this case, the true religion. What would you do?"

    "But it IS the truth!"


  • The Firm
    The Firm

    "but it IS the truth!"

    (rolling up the sleeves, lol :-) bebu then you're only one step away from driving a wedge between them & the borg. Ask:

    "So as it stands now, in 2005, does the Society have the [i]complete[/i] truth or the [i]incomplete[/i] truth"?

    It they answer "complete", then there will be no more "research" up in Brooklyn and there could never be "new light". Mention this observation. After much umming and awwing, they'll have to admit "incomplete truth" if you're lucky enough to get that far. That then begs the question, "Why praytell do you preach door-to-door about some 'truth' that you admit isn't even complete??"

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Dostprefer seems to be one of those persons who cannot understand what is being discussed so he jumps into some inane 'philosophy' just to get attention.

    Let's not feed the trolls anyway -

  • JustTickledPink

    It wouldn't work because that is like posing the question "If I could prove to you that GRAVITY wasn't really true, would you still believe in it?"

    At that point, I'd say "sure if you can prove gravity doesn't exist, sure I would stop believing in it" insert eye rolling and thinking you are crazy.... because it's not a belief to them, it's HARD FACT.

  • Taylor S.
    Taylor S.

    I had that conversation as a teenager. I remember it planted those little seeds of doubt just at the possibility of such a thing. But I wasn't the norm ... that doubt as to its validity, though a little sickening, was a bit of a relief as well.

    Because the 'bloom of youth' had me by the chestnuts, and for the first time in my life, I entertained the notion that just maybe I wasn't gonna be disemboweled at the Big A.

    I say go for it. Circular logic or no .... plant the seeds anyway, and pray they sprout.


  • defd


    The answer you gave was a perfect one. The only where you went wrong was when you left Jehovah when things got bad. It is easy to serve God when things are going good. However when you experience trials of your faith is when we see what we are really made of!

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