I was called by a JW wanting a favor...

by Dawn 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    I would call them back... I really would and I would be nice and ask after their family and try to have a conversation... If they have a problem with having a conversation and just want free advice then ask why in the world they called you and ask you for advice when they know they can't talk too you? If they are nice and seem to be sorry for how they have treated you then I would help them... A bit, don't put yourself out thats for sure!

    This person may be trying to get out and just not sure how to go about it!

  • poppers

    Another option: call them back and tell them that you know how much more important it is that they keep themselves spriritually pure, and that out of respect for their beliefs you can't in good conscience sully those beliefs by interacting with them. That way you get to say no with a clear conscience and make them see how ridiculous their stance is in dealing with worldly people.

  • Swan

    Of course, this person might be in the process of becoming an exJW and might not know where to turn. If this person is needing legal advice because they are leaving the JWs that may be a different matter. Maybe they need a cease and desist because the elders are breathing down his/her neck or something.

    You really don't owe this person anything, including the benefit of the doubt. However, it wouldn't hurt to call to ask why they can suddenly talk to you. If they are taking advantage of your past relationship, it will be quickly apparent, and you can tell them no and how rude you think they are to have bothered you with such a ludicrous request. But if they are now sincerely trying to find exJW resources, you may decide to be forgiving and to help them. Or not. The ball is entirely in your court. You can play this one any way you want.


  • Dawn

    I love all your ideas - especially Bryans!

    After I thought about it - I decided that my time is much too valuable to waste, so I'm not calling back. I have caller ID - so won't pick up if they call again. And if I happen to get the call by accident, I will just politely tell them that I am paid by the State of ____ for my services and it would be a conflict of interest for me to provide advice to anyone that was not a client of the State of ____. I'm rather certain this individual has a case with the State, but not as a "client" - 'Nuff said?

  • Sweetp0985

    IMHO its basically a case of they can't talk to you casually, but its ok to discuss BUSINESS issues. My mom tells me that all the time. When it comes to calling her up, hey mom how you doing can't talk to me, but when she needs me to pay a bill for her, she can call me and ask me to do that, its business.

    i came back to add these little tidbits too,

    My dub aunt had got a ticket once with the police dept I worked at for parking in a handicapped parking spot (for only a few minutes she says). Mind you this is the aunt that whenever we're all at my non-JW grandmother's house she never acknowledges me. But anyways she never picked up the phone to call me herself to ask me if I could help her get the ticket fixed, she had my non-dub uncle call me about it. First I was like, she couldn't even pick up the damn phone to ask me herself, but she wants my assistance. HELL NO!!! My uncle tried to get upset with me because he didn't understand the whole df'ing arrangement and thought i was dead wrong for not helping. I didn't even bother to try to explain, it was a waste of my breath. Long story short, she had to end up paying the ticket...

    and maybe i could have helped but then i thought about this situation...

    I was working at the time for the State Police as a dispatcher, anyways ran a plate and it came back to dubbies I knew "really well"(my used to be best friend when I was a dub). Well I called the trooper on PC(private call) and asked him what was up with them, speeding or something??? I forgot what the actual violation was but he ended up letting them go because I said " I know them, they're ok". they were on their way to an assembly that day and the husband had forgot his license at home (so i got them out of really hot water) but since trooper let them go they were able to arrive at the assembly on time and stuff. how do I know all this, well my ex-best friend found my mom at the assembly...and then told my mom about what had happened on their way to the assembly....she never told my mom to tell me thank you or anything....i guess i was back to being an evil df'd person again....i bet they chalked it up to Jehovah used me to tell the trooper i knew them so he would let them go....but a little while after this, i saw that same dubbie and do you think she even gave me a head nod or any recognition....pissed me off, and yeah i know they didnt ask for the help, but help was still given....

    So basically it all boils down to, if they need something from you they feel free to ask, or get someone else to ask, but besides that you're the gum on the bottom of their shoe..

  • berylblue

    F*** 'em.

  • Scully

    Sweetp writes:

    IMHO its basically a case of they can't talk to you casually, but its ok to discuss BUSINESS issues. My mom tells me that all the time. When it comes to calling her up, hey mom how you doing can't talk to me, but when she needs me to pay a bill for her, she can call me and ask me to do that, its business.

    You should try to see what happens when you call and ask HER to pay one of YOUR bills. I bet Business Dealings? between JWs and DFd/DAd people only go in one direction.

  • mkr32208

    I don't know I'm overly generous with my time and effort to a fault more often than not! I would look at this as a chance to "reverse" witness and if it turns out to be a bad situation you can always say "no this is not ok that you ignore me unless your in trouble, bye" what did it cost you 2 min? Is your time that valuable?

  • Dawn
    what did it cost you 2 min? Is your time that valuable?

    Maybe not - but my self respect is. It has taken me way too many years to build it up (not all JW fault - a lot because of childhood issues). Anyways - I have learned to set healthy boundaries, and I am afraid that if I call her and try to help, I will only end up being used and damaging my self esteem. I'm not doing that any longer.

    But I know where you're coming from and I do appreciate your point of view. Perhaps someday I will be in a different position and will take more opportunities to reverse witness.

  • blondie
    You should try to see what happens when you call and ask HER to pay one of YOUR bills. I bet Business Dealings? between JWs and DFd/DAd people only go in one direction.

    My thought exactly, Scully.


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