What frightens you?

by ozziepost 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyamihere


    Well hopefully an idiot doesn't hit you while you are driving!


  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    Anything bad happening to my children in which I'm not there to protect them.

    spiders...hate em!!

    Drowning..my biggest fear is being in my vehicle, going off the road & landing in the water. I now have a device in my truck to break the windows should that happen...altho all the water where I live is cold year round, I'm not sure that's a better option. The fear of that happening & not being able to get my kids out. I have no idea why this is a fear, just that one of the major roads out of town goes along the inlet and well..yea...crazy drivers scare me.

    That and scary movies....I don't like scary movies!

    SK Scared 2

  • upside/down
    Dying with my Bra and Panties not matching! weird huh?

    Gawd I thought it was just me... whew!


  • whyamihere

    Gawd I thought it was just me... whew!

    Oh thank god I thought I was alone out there!


  • clementine

    spiders, being dependant of someone, nightmares, future also sometimes...

  • holly

    my 17 year old son being out watching a band play, like he is tonight, and wondering if he will get home safe (i was much more sensible at his age you see ).

    and then when i hopefully stop worrying about it, having to go through it all again with my now 13 year old daughter.

    phew, whoever told me it was good to have kids!!


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